Mark leaves hospital and moves back home, thanks to new online tool

Note: Some sections of this case study refer to clinical commissioning groups (CCGs). On 1st July 2022, integrated care systems (ICSs) took over statutory commissioning responsibilities in England, and CCGs were closed down. You can learn more about integrated care systems (ICSs) here.


A new online tool is helping people with a learning disability, autism or both have a quicker review of the care and treatment they need.

The tool has been developed by Leicestershire Transforming Care Partnership (TCP) so that health and social care professionals can add information about people who are at risk of being admitted to hospital, to a secure database from wherever they are based.

For Mark this means he’s now living back in his home county of Leicestershire after moving from a hospital in another area. At his care and treatment review, the panel identified that Mark could move back home with the right kind of support. This included spending time in the local short breaks service, going to a day centre and having some extra support at weekends and evenings. After two weeks he was ready to move back to his family home with the right support.

The online tool means staff can add information which is updated immediately alerting the lead nurse in the integrated care system (ICS) that there is a new referral. This means the team can plan a community CTR or an urgent meeting much more quickly and begin to consider other options, and types of support for people with a learning disability, autism or both.

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