Real time data
This section provides information and links to real time data that is available to support your improvement activities. The data can be accessed openly, is currently active, published regularly and available to view by integrated care board (ICB) and/or trust level. It covers a range of measures across primary, elective and emergency care. Activity data is different to measuring for improvement but can give an indication of where you may want to focus improvement resource. For detailed exploration the interactive Model Health System tool enables comparisons of the below as well as data related to productivity, quality and responsiveness.
Urgent and emergency care recovery
- NHS England statistics – A&E Attendances and Emergency Admissions 2022-23
- NHS England statistics -Ambulance Quality Indicators Data 2022-23
- NHS England statistics – Urgent and Emergency Care Daily Situation Reports 2022-23
Elective recovery
- NHS England statistics – Outpatient Recovery and Transformation
- NHS England statistics – Cancer Waiting Times
- NHS England statistics – Cancelled Elective Operations
- NHS England statistics – Diagnostics Waiting Times and Activity
- Cancer 62 day patient tracking list (CANPTL) data collection