NHSmail training
Digital Social Care has produced a training guide to help care homes get up to speed with using NHSmail. Plan for between 1 – 2 hours training for each person.
You might find it helpful to:
- download the Digital Social Care training guide
- identify one member of staff to become your local champion or expert to support other team members
- find other local organisations who might be able to provide training and support
- think about joining forces with other organisations to set up a train the trainer programme
Telling people about your new email address
Once the system is working and staff have been trained, it’s time to tell people and organisations that you have a new email address, for example:
- residents, their representatives, and relatives
- local GPs and pharmacies
- other local organisations you work with
- the public
Think about updating information on:
- your website
- leaflets
- letter-headings
- email signatures
View the next sections in this guide: