Useful online resources for doctors

You may find some elements of the links on this page useful. Some relate to content produced by NHS England; others are to external bodies. NHS England has no control over content of the external webpages and links, and does not provide any endorsement of these.

Appraisal Resources

NHS England Medical Appraisal Policy:

NHS England web page where you will find the NHS England Medical Appraisal Policy and annexes. The annexes include the routine appraiser assurance tools (annex J): ASPAT (appraisal output audit tool) – this tool is used by appraisers but might give you some idea of what is written in an appraisal summary.

The medical appraisal feedback questionnaire is also available to show the type of feedback requested from doctors to appraisers.

Complaint and appraisal postponement forms may also be found here.

Medical appraisal guide (MAG) form:

This is a PDF appraisal toolkit format for you to upload your supporting information and reflections to.

Once your appraisal is complete it may be uploaded onto the NHS England RMS (revalidation management system) dashboard by your appraiser.

Ten steps to Revalidation:

Medical Appraisal Scenarios DVD:

  • A DVD entitled ‘Medical Appraisal Scenarios – November 2015’ has been created by NHS England (south region) and will soon be available on the internet, in the meantime please email to request a copy.

Health Education England workshop resources:

BMJ e-learning resources (free to BMA members):

Some of these modules are aimed more towards appraisers but they could also be helpful to any doctor wanting to know more about appraisal.


  • Revalidation: a guide for appraisers
  • Challenge in appraisal
  • Calibrating the supporting information in medical appraisal
  • Quality improvement activity for appraisal and revalidation in the United Kingdom
  • Multisource feedback (MSF) for appraisal
  • Getting the most out of your appraisal
  • Tips for appraisers (a very basic overview)

Doctor’s appraisal toolkits:

Other useful websites and documents

For doctors needing support