Coordination, Leadership and Stakeholder Support
At this stage you have agreed support from the CCG approval committee and/or board to implement Shared Decision Making across the local health economy. During the Coordination, Leadership and Stakeholder Support Stage it is useful to identify a project team who can support you in embedding Shared Decision Making in clinical teams and in commissioning systems. The documents below are to support you in identifying the right people to involve in the project and to help you develop a local implementation plan. One of the documents is a guide to developing an implementation plan and the other document is a generic SDM implementation plan.
Internal and external communication is vital in a project which spans across a number of organisations and aims to improve patient involvement in decisions about their care. To support internal communications, to the clinical lead and board, we have created two templates for a monthly briefing for the clinical lead and a highlight report for the CCG approval committee/ board.
The documents below are a draft stakeholder map, a template letter to stakeholders, including providers, and a template letter to the local Health and Well Being Board. These are to support you to identify and engage with stakeholders in order to garner support for SDM across the health system.
To support your identification of appropriate stakeholders, a number of example Decision Point Maps have been developed. These will help you identify where in the patient pathway the key decision points are made and therefore where SDM and PDAs can be promoted; who the key clinicians and stakeholders are; what the potential commissioning levers are that could be used and what the potential information system prompts are which would aid the embedding of SDM within everyday practice.