Helpful information for health and wellbeing guardians and organisations
A varied of the key resources available to health and wellbeing guardians and the organisations who support them, is outlined below. As health and wellbeing guardians will vary within each healthcare organisation and context, these resources should be considered flexibly and interpreted and adapted to meet local need.
Guidance for those supporting health and wellbeing guardians and developing a health and wellbeing culture
Support information and resources are detailed in Appendix 5 of the health and wellbeing guardian suite of documents.
Appendix 5 is designed to outline wider strategic and operational supportive roles, functions and resources that are critical to enabling health and wellbeing guardians to discharge their assurance function and duties. Key relationships, teams/functions, networks, and development offers/resources are also outlined. Along with a varied of national health and wellbeing resources to support organisations in developing their health and wellbeing services and culture.
Further resources are also available on NHS Futures, at the Growing occupational health and wellbeing together strategy pages, under the NHS Futures health and wellbeing guardian section.
Development offers for health and wellbeing guardians
Please access the resources available on the NHS Executive Suite which contains a variety of personal executive/senior leadership development resources to support you as a senior leader to thrive in the position and set a culture that values the importance of health and wellbeing.
Regional health and wellbeing guardians’ networks
NHS England is committed to empowering health and wellbeing guardians through regional networks. We strongly encourage health and wellbeing guardians to reach out to your regional health and wellbeing lead to join your local network. The network is a space where you can seek peer support, shape the network agenda and the support it offers to you to help you be effective as a wellbeing guardian. It is also an opportunity to provide feedback on emerging health and wellbeing topics and influence both regional and national health and wellbeing strategy.
If you are unsure as to who your regional contact is, please contact and we will happily connect you with the relevant contact.
Health and wellbeing guardians can also contact the NHS England national Growing Occupational Health and Wellbeing team. They are keen to hear from health and wellbeing guardians and how they can support you with taking on, shaping and being effective in the health and wellbeing guardian function.