East of England hubs
Hertfordshire and Essex Staff Wellbeing Hub (Here for you)
ICS/STP Areas: Hertfordshire and West, Mid, South and North East Essex
Email: hereforyou@nhs.net
Phone: 03442 573960, 24/7 phone number available across Herts and Essex
Website: https://www.hereforyou.info/
Keeping Well BLMK
ICS/STP Area: Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes
Email: Keepingwell.blmk@nhs.net
Phone: Call 01908 724227 (9am to 12pm and 1pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
Or complete an online referral form: www.keepingwellblmk.nhs.uk/referral-form
Website: www.keepingwellblmk.nhs.uk/
Staff COVID Support Service (Norfolk and Suffolk)
ICS/STP Areas: Norfolk and Waveney and Suffolk
Email: staffsupport@nsft.nhs.uk
Phone: 0300 123 1335, available Monday to Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm
Website: www.nsft.nhs.uk/norfolk-and-suffolk-staff-support-line
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Staff Support Hub
ICS/STP Area: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Email: staffsupporthub@cpft.nhs.uk
Phone: 0808 801 0377 available 11am – 7pm Monday to Friday
Website: www.staffsupporthub.org