Care city innovation test bed
Who is involved?
Our system partnership includes:
- BHR Integrated Care Coalition: NELFT NHS Foundation Trust; Barking, Havering and Redbridge NHS University Trust; Barking, Havering and Redbridge CCG; London Borough of Barking and Dagenham; London Borough of Redbridge and London Borough of Havering and BHR GP Federation
- Waltham Forest CCG
- London Borough of Waltham Forest
- UCLPartners (Heath Innovation Network)
Patient population size
Our Test Bed covers the 1million+ population of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge (BHR) and Waltham Forest.
The Care City Innovation Test Bed will address barriers to innovation within the NHS and Social Care. Our focus is on technological innovations which can help support older people with long term conditions, older people with dementia, and carers to help meet the challenge of building a sustainable health and social care system.
By bringing together 11 innovators with the health and care partners in north east London, Care City marks a step-change away from the traditional approach of isolated technology pilots to a shared, system-wide approach to evaluation and spreading new ideas.
The Care City Test Bed will evaluate and support combinations of innovations that enhance each other and so offer greater benefits for our populations. By March 2018, our populations will be benefiting from access to tools and technology which can help them to manage their own health conditions and to remain as independent as possible, supported by carers who will receive the information and connections they need too.
Examples of innovations to be tested include: My brainbook, an online tool for those with dementia which includes care plans, diaries, reminiscence pages and online chat facility; HealthUnlocked, a social network app which offers peer-to-peer support safely online with guidance from credible organisations and institutions; Kinesis, a device which assesses falls risk and mobility, and; Health Navigator, proactive health coaching and app based health-management service.