
NHS is set to treat hundreds of cancer patients with an innovative type of radiotherapy

The first centres to treat patients with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR), as part of NHS England’s latest national evaluation programme, will be able to start accepting patients from today (Monday). NHS England has invested £15m over three years to assess the use of SABR through its Commissioning through Evaluation initiative, which will allow up to […]

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Update on the Cancer Drugs Fund

NHS England has published an updated Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF) list following decisions, made by cancer doctors and patient representatives at the last national CDF panel meeting, that aim to deliver the maximum clinical benefit for patients. The updated CDF list reflects the outcomes of the appeals from pharmaceutical companies following the removal of drugs […]

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NHS England Medical Director welcomes proton beam therapy announcement

NHS England’s Medical Director, Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, has welcomed the announcement of the equipment and building suppliers which will start work on the UK’s first proton beam therapy cancer centres this summer. The Government is investing £250 million in the building of the two specialist centres at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust […]

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NHS launches new bid to beat cancer and save thousands of lives

NHS England today (Sunday) announced a new independent taskforce to develop a five-year action plan for cancer services that will improve survival rates and save thousands of lives. It also launched a major new programme to test innovative ways of diagnosing cancer more quickly at more than 60 sites across the country, and committed a further £15m over three years to evaluate and treat patients with a type of modern […]

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NHS set to deliver world-leading genomics project in fight against cancer and rare diseases

NHS England has today (Monday, 22 December 2014) announced eleven centres across the country that will lead the way in delivering the 100,000 Genomes Project. The three-year project, launched by the Prime Minister earlier this year, will transform diagnosis and treatment for patients with cancer and rare diseases. The initiative involves collecting and decoding 100,000 […]

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NHS England publishes revised process for operation of its Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF)

NHS England today published its updated procedure for evaluating drugs in the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF), which will mean more effective and promising drugs will be prioritised and made available to patients. Since it was established in 2010, more than 55,000 patients have accessed treatment through the CDF – around 2,000 every month. Last week […]

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NHS England launches consultation on innovative radiotherapy treatments

NHS England is seeking people’s views on proposed changes to the shape of Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) and Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SRT) services across the country. SRS and SRT are forms of radiotherapy used to treat patients with intracranial conditions such as brain tumours. NHS England took on responsibility for commissioning these services in April 2013 and […]

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NHS England consults on plans for a sustainable Cancer Drugs Fund

NHS England is proposing changes to the way its Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF) operates, in order that it delivers maximum benefit for patients, within the resources available. Clinicians and cancer specialists believe the changes, if adopted, would: improve patient access to the most clinically effective drugs available through the fund; encourage pricing that delivers value […]

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Cancer patients increasingly positive about their care

Cancer patients are increasingly positive about their care with 89% rating it as excellent or very good, a national survey shows. This comes as the NHS is treating more patients for cancer than ever before. The national cancer patient experience survey 2014, published today, asked over 110,000 cancer patients across the country for their views on […]

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