Hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance resources
This page includes resources to support attendance from patients referred into Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Surveillance.
These resources are to be used in conjunction with the guidance document: Hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance: minimum standards
Job descriptions for pathway navigators and peer support workers
Pathway navigators and peer support workers can provide additional support to clinical teams by ensuring patients are contacted frequently, given information about their appointments in a way they are likely to engage with and even provide transportation services to patients.
The following job descriptions have been generously shared by various NHS organisations. They might not be fully accessible, so if you encounter any issues please do contact us: england.edcancer@nhs.net
The following resources have been developed by different HCC surveillance providers and include information on what HCC surveillance entails and includes the benefits and limitations.
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in partnership with the British Liver Trust and Groundswell have developed a template letter inviting patients to HCC surveillance.
St James University Hospital have created an information sheet for patients setting out what HCC surveillance involves and what patients should expect.