
NHS England responds to ministerial statement regarding high risk screening for some women following chest radiotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma

The Minister of State for Health and Secondary Care has today made a written statement to Parliament regarding steps being taken by the NHS to ensure everyone eligible for the Very High Risk Breast Screening Programme has been referred to their local screening centre.   Steve Russell, NHS national director for vaccinations and screening, said: “The […]

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NHS rolls out new immunotherapy for hundreds of women with advanced endometrial cancer

The NHS will roll out a new immunotherapy that could offer women with advanced endometrial cancer significant extra time before their disease progresses, compared with standard chemotherapy alone. Trials have shown that adding dostarlimab (Jemperli) to chemotherapy can slow the spread of certain forms of endometrial cancer, giving patients the hope of more time to […]

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NHS fast-tracks new therapy for rare ‘graft vs host’ disease

Cancer patients living with a rare disease which attacks the body’s own organs following a life-saving stem cell transplant are set to benefit from a pioneering new medicine on the NHS. Belumosudil (Rezurock ®) is an innovative treatment for chronic graft versus host disease, which develops in around a third of patients who have undergone […]

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Thousands with cancer-causing condition offered life-saving NHS bowel cancer screening

The NHS is offering routine preventative bowel cancer screening to thousands of people in England with a genetic condition that increases their chance of developing certain cancers. This is a world-first move by the health service to help reduce cases and identify bowel cancers earlier when successful treatment and cure is more likely. As part […]

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King’s diagnosis prompts 51% increase in searches for NHS cancer advice

An webpage offering advice on the possible signs and symptoms of cancer has seen a jump of over 50% in the number of visits since news broke of the King’s recent diagnosis. Latest figures from NHS England reveal that, in the 24 hours following the Buckingham Palace announcement, visits to the page on cancer […]

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NHS launches national BRCA gene testing programme to identify cancer risk early

Tens of thousands of people with Jewish ancestry who are more likely to carry a genetic fault that can increase the risk of developing some cancers will receive genetic testing through a new programme announced by the NHS in England today. With plans to identify thousands more people carrying faults in the BRCA genes over […]

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New breast screening figures prompt fresh uptake appeal

Thousands of women are being urged to attend NHS breast screening appointments as new figures today show that, despite a slight increase in uptake in the last year, over a third of women still did not take up the potentially lifesaving offer. In 2022-23, a total of 1.93 million women aged 50 to 70 (64.6%) […]

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