2023/24 NHS Standard Contract

The NHS Standard Contract is mandated by NHS England for use by commissioners for all contracts for healthcare services other than primary care, and the Contract (in full-length and shorter-form versions) is available here:

Full length Contract
Shorter-form Contract

A summary of the changes we made to the Contracts for 2023/24 can be found in section 3 of the Contract technical guidance and in the Response to the consultation feedback document.

If you have a query on the NHS Standard Contracts, please email england.contractshelp@nhs.net

If you would like to be added to our stakeholder list to receive updates on the NHS Standard Contract, please email your contact details to england.contractsengagement@nhs.net.

To view the slides and recordings from our webinars, please go to the NHS Standard Contract – FutureNHS Collaboration Platform (please register for a FutureNHS account).

NHS Standard Contract 2023/24 technical guidance

Model collaborative commissioning agreements

Varying the 2023/24 Contract

NHS sub-contracts 2023/24

Other Schedules to the full-length and shorter-form Contract

Other publications

Changes to the Contract for 2023/24

Comparison documents showing the changes made from the NHS Standard Contract 2022/23 (published in March 2022) to the NHS Standard Contract 2023/24 (published in March 2023).

Comparison documents showing the changes made from the draft NHS Standard Contract 2023/24 (published for consultation in December 2022) to the NHS Standard Contract 2023/24 (published in March 2023).

Consultation – December 2022 (consultation now closed)