NHS service delivered by a third party provider (website)
Where an NHS service is provided by a third party provider, an NHS service logo should be used.

The name of the service, which appears within the NHS service logo, must follow NHS naming principles. Third party providers of NHS services should contact their NHS commissioner for approval of the name to use in the NHS service logo.
The NHS service logo is positioned at the top of the website. As people often expect to see the search facility in the top right area of a website, there is the option to position the NHS service logo top left. The NHS logo and type would then need to be ranged left.
The overall visual style of the website should follow the NHS Identity guidelines. When designing a website, the top banner should be white and kept clear of all graphic devices, straplines and non-essential content. Please refer to our visual styles, graphic devices and straplines guidance for more information.
The third party provider’s logo should go in a supporting position under the statement ‘Service provided by’. On offline materials, this would usually be bottom right, but on a website it should be visible on the opening page, without having to scroll down. The provider’s logo should be proportional to, but not larger than, the NHS logo.