FAQs and help

Here you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most and advice on the latest topics.

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How colour is a vital aspect of the NHS Identity, how to apply it correctly to a range of materials and technical information on updates to colour references.


The importance of consistent use of the accessible NHS fonts, Frutiger and Arial, and applying them across a range of communications materials.


Information about the NHS Photo Library and making the best use of powerful and emotive imagery.

Naming principles

How the naming principles apply to NHS organisations, services and partnerships.

NHS logo

Variety of information on applying the NHS logo correctly to a range of materials.

Organisational logos

How to create your NHS organisational logo and apply it correctly to a range of materials and what to do when you are providing services outside your geographical name.

Partnership branding

Where to find guidance on applying the NHS Identity to NHS and mixed-partnerships.

Partnership logo

Where to find guidance on branding of NHS-only partnerships.

Primary care logo

Advice for primary care contractors (GPs, dentists, pharmacies and opticians) about how to use the NHS Identity.

Service branding

Where to find guidance on the branding of services delivered by the NHS (including private healthcare and those commissioned by local authority/others) and NHS services delivered by third party providers.

Suppliers of branded items

How suppliers can and can’t use the NHS Identity, including for NHS-branded wares.

Visual styles, graphic devices and straplines

Why it’s important to maximise the value of the NHS brand and advice on how you can differentiate your NHS organisation, campaign or partnership whilst staying within the guidelines.

Who can use the NHS Identity

Guidance on how organisations can use the 'NHS' letters and NHS logo.

Who cannot use the NHS Identity

How the ‘NHS’ letters and NHS logo are registered trade marks and protected by law.