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Feedback and complaints about NHS England

NHS England welcomes concerns, compliments and complaints as valuable feedback that will help us learn from your experiences and make improvements to services we commission. Make a complaint to NHS England You can complain or give feedback: By post to: NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT By email to:, stating ‘For the attention […]

Market Engagement launched: Improving GPs’ Access to Mental Health Support

NHS Arden & Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (NHS Arden & GEM CSU) is carrying out a market engagement exercise on behalf of NHS England for the provision of services aimed at Improving GPs’ Access to Mental Health Support. They’d like to hear back from potential providers by 24 February. This follows a Procurement Prior […]

We are shaping services for years to come

The Chair of the soon-to-be-published National Maternity Review explains how it will transform care for women, babies and their families across the country:  The Maternity Review is steadily drawing to its close, and we will soon publish our report on services in England. During this process I have met inspiring women, midwives, and doctors up […]

Biosimilar medicines

Definition of a biosimilar medicine A biosimilar medicine is a biological medicine which has been shown not to have any clinically meaningful differences from the originator medicine in terms of quality, safety and efficacy.  Where NICE has already recommended the originator biological medicine, the same guidance will normally apply to a biosimilar of that originator. ​ In an era of […]

The NHS Benchmarking Network is organising the 2016 National Audit for Intermediate Care

This is an annual data collection, now in its fifth year.  The purpose of the audit is to improve intermediate care services for older people by providing benchmarked information on service models, spend, activity, workforce and, importantly, outcomes.  It has been highly successful in previous years and CCGs and providers of intermediate care services are […]