
NHS funds tech to protect prostate cancer patients during radiation treatment

An innovation that can reduce the side-effects of radiotherapy for prostate cancer patients by over 70 per cent will be rolled out across the NHS, as part of the Long Term Plan to put cutting-edge treatments at the heart of people’s care. Thanks to a deal struck by the NHS with manufacturer Boston Scientific, hospitals […]

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Annual NHS cancer checks top two million for the first time

For the first time last year, the NHS in England carried out more than two million checks on people who feared they might have cancer. In 2018, patients underwent a record 2.2 million cancer checks following urgent referral by their GP, almost 6,000 a day or more than four every minute. That was an increase […]

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‘Bowen Bounce’ prompts thousands to seek NHS bowel cancer advice

A top doctor has praised BBC news editor Jeremy Bowen for raising awareness of bowel cancer, saying his actions will help save lives, after the number of people seeking information on the disease from the official NHS website almost trebled. Celia Ingham-Clark, Medical Director for clinical effectiveness at NHS England and a leading bowel specialist, […]

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NHS applauds plans by English Football League to improve nation’s health

NHS England has welcomed moves by football clubs to improve the nation’s health including cookery classes for bereaved men, exercise sessions for people with cancer and sport to help tackle mental ill health. A nation-wide day of action (Tuesday) will see 72 football clubs from the English Football League put their full weight behind nationwide […]

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Professor Sir Mike Richards launches new drive to improve care and save lives

Professor Sir Mike Richards has today launched a major overhaul of cancer screening as part the NHS Long Term Plan’s renewed drive to improve care and save lives. Early detection of cancer, while the condition is easier to treat, is central to the plan which aims to prevent tens of thousands more deaths each year. […]

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NHS to rollout lung cancer scanning trucks across the country

Lung cancer scanning trucks that operate from supermarket car parks are being rolled out across the country in a drive to save lives by catching the condition early, NHS England announced today. Around £70 million will fund 10 projects that check those most at risk, inviting them for an MOT for their lungs and an […]

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Boy with rare brain cancer to be treated at new NHS £125 million centre

A 15-year-old boy with a rare brain tumour will today begin world leading treatment at the NHS’s new Proton Beam Therapy centre at The Christie hospital in Manchester. Mason Kettley, from Angmering, West Sussex, was diagnosed with a brain tumour in October. Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) is a specialist form of radiotherapy that targets cancers […]

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First children with cancer to begin treatment with revolutionary CAR-T therapy

The first children to receive a game-changing personalised therapy for cancer will start treatment at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London this week. A second centre, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, is also ready to start treating children with a rare form of leukaemia while a third, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, is expected […]

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