Birmingham and Solihull United Maternity and New born Pathway (BUMP)
For Birmingham and Solihull United Maternity and New born Pathway (BUMP), there is a particular focus on providing women with a single point of access with midwives as the first point of contact. This will provide additional support to women as they navigate the system and make informed choices about their care support by a midwife throughout their journey and enhancing continuity of care with an aim to:
- Increase the proportion of women choosing to give birth in midwifery led units or home births and supporting those women to make informed choices. Baseline and target data will be added by end of March 2017
- Develop a single point of access- supported by guided choice and access to a full range of wrap around services, including prevention, mental health and well-being for all women
- Developing and operating a multidisciplinary community maternity team, providing continuity of carer to women and their families
- Creating a single maternity Electronic Patient Record (EPR) for all pregnant women
- Increased provision of community antenatal care by midwives for women on a shared care pathway (lead clinician to be a linked obstetrician)
- Improving the support offered to women postnatally to ensure families feel better supported from the start of their parenting journey enabling them to make more informed choices for their family.
- commissioning and working with new care providers to enhance the portfolio of providers available to offer care to women throughout the pregnancy pathway including intrapartum
- Improving outcomes for women, their babies, their families and the wider population, measuring against metrics which will include :
- A decrease in infant mortality
- An increase in homebirth and MLU births
- Improved experience for women as a result of reduced waiting times and better access to facilities
- Improved capacity across the STP
- Care closer to home
- Choice of:
- Elements of care
- Place of birth
- Additional services based on individual wishes e.g. extensive breastfeeding support/ DOULA services etc.
- Establishing a revised contract arrangement that enables innovations and changes in practice, including an option for women to hold a Personal Maternity Care Budget to facilitate choice of provider(s) for antenatal, postnatal and birth care
- Having one maternity record that links into fetal medicine, neonatal and health visiting services. This record will be accessible by the woman and professionals engaged in the care of the pregnancy and the newborn and will be in use by 2018
- Ensuring that women’s views are a fundamental part of the evaluation that will start from April 2017 and finish at the end of 2018.
This will happen in a phased approach over 2017 – 2018, starting in Birmingham to cover Coventry and Warwickshire, the Black Country and finally the wider West Midlands e.g. Telford and Shrewsbury