Implementing Better Births

We are reviewing and updating these webpages to reflect the current work of the maternity and neonatal programme.

Implementing Better Births: Continuity of Carer

In 2016, the National Maternity Review’s report, Better Births, set out a vision for maternity services across England to become safer and more personalised.

Across England, maternity teams have been working exceptionally hard to implement this vision by working in new ways, such as continuity of carer [to link to new continuity of carer page] and implementing safety initiatives such as the Saving Babies’ Lives Care Bundle, to improve care standards and outcomes for women, babies and their families, and delivering against the national ambition to halve the number of stillbirths, neonatal and maternal deaths and brain injuries by 2030.

Implementing Better Births: A resource pack for Local Maternity Systems

On 28 March 2017, the Maternity Transformation Programme published Implementing Better Births: A resource pack for Local Maternity Systems, to coincide with the National Maternity Review’s ‘One Year On’ event.

In setting out the Five Year Forward View for NHS maternity services in England, Better Births recognised that its vision could only be delivered through transformation that is locally led, with support at national and regional levels.

The resource pack is designed to help Local Maternity Systems to lead and manage that local transformation. It provides advice on how to implement the key deliverables for Local Maternity Systems, and detail on key issues and complementary work that may be required to support these deliverables. For each deliverable, the Pack:

  • Recaps what Better Births says about the issue.
  • Explains what the national programme is doing to provide support.
  • Summarises what Local Maternity Systems might need to do and gives some pointers for how they might go about it.

Please contact or your local maternity Clinical Network with questions, comments or suggestions.