Surrey Heartlands
For Surrey Heartlands, this includes:
- A particular focus on providing continuity of carer for women through the creation of a single Surrey Heartlands Community Midwifery service by 2018.
- The development and implementation of a shared Surrey Heartlands wide Home Birthing Team to increase the choice available to women. Currently the options open to women are dependent on where they live.
- Putting in place shared pathways and guidelines across all providers, leading to consistency in practice, common and comparable measures and metrics, and an improvement in quality.
- Developing and implementing community hubs, where midwives and other health professionals will work together in a setting closer to service users’ homes and make better use of time for face to face contacts with women.
- Providing women with a greater awareness of the choices available to them regarding place of birth through a single point of access, by April 2018.
- Design and implement a Maternity Advice Line to be available to all of the women across the Surrey Heartlands footprint which will include advice and information for pregnancy and early labour. Enhancing the existing case loading midwifery service for specific care groups of vulnerable women, particularly teenage mothers and families, and women with mental health needs. This will provide these women with continuity of carer for all parts of the maternity pathway through small teams of 4-6 midwives supported by maternity support workers and linking in with a named obstetrician during 2017/18.