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Mixed partnership public health campaign (poster)

Where an NHS organisation is working in equal partnership with a non-NHS organisation to deliver a public health campaign, the partners’ logos should appear in a line, ideally along the top of the page.

Credit: Public Health England

The NHS organisation’s logo or NHS logo should ideally appear top right and graphic devices and straplines should be positioned away from the logos, as shown here. No individual partner’s visual style should dominate.

As this is a national campaign, the NHS logo is used with permission from NHS England’s national communications team. For a local campaign, permission would be sought from the relevant local NHS organisation.

As this is not an NHS-led campaign, the NHS logo may need to appear against a different coloured background. The NHS logo will need to be clear and legible, with the NHS Blue standing out.

Some of the examples featured across this site may have been amended to illustrate how the guidelines should be applied.