NHS logo
Are there guidelines for digital communications?
Yes, there is specific advice within each of the relevant guidelines about how to apply them to digital communications.
How can the NHS Identity be used on campaigns?
Our public research shows that the NHS Identity is instantly recognisable and evokes powerful levels of trust and respect. It also shows that the use of the NHS logo gives people confidence in a campaign and is seen as a marker of credibility and quality.
How can we use the NHS Identity on charity branded materials?
How you use the NHS Identity on your hospital charity depends on whether it is an NHS charity or an independent charity.
Does the NHS colour palette apply to both external and internal signage?
Yes. The NHS colour palette applies to both external and internal signage.
Can the NHS logo ever be purposely left off communications?
The NHS logo is instantly recognised and evokes positive, rational and emotional associations of trust, confidence, security and a sense of dependability. It should be used to ensure that patients, the public and stakeholders can quickly and easily identify communications from the NHS.