Are there guidelines for digital communications?
Yes, there is specific advice within each of the relevant guidelines about how to apply them to digital communications.
There is not a separate set of digital guidelines. As digital is a crucial format for applying the NHS Identity, digital guidance has been fully integrated into each relevant guideline rather than creating a separate section. This allows our content to evolve and grow as technology develops and progresses.
If you want to know how to position your NHS organisation’s logo on a website, you will find this in the organisational logos guidelines.
Within these guidelines, you will also find details of how your organisation can apply the NHS Identity to your social media accounts, including guidance on creating a profile picture/avatar. The visual styles, graphic devices and straplines guidelines explain how you can differentiate your organisation’s website or social media account through the use of straplines and imagery.
For advice on choosing a website url, mobile app name or social media profile/account name and username, visit the naming principles guidelines.
All the Identity examples and FAQs which relate to digital communications can be found by searching in the categories and tags for ‘Apps’, ‘Social media’ and ‘Websites’.