Professional nurse advocate checklists

These professional nurse advocate (PNA) checklists form part of the NHS England and NHS Improvement national PNA implementation guidance.

Organisational process map for professional nurse advocate (PNA) implementation

This process map forms part of the NHS England and NHS Improvement national PNA implementation guidance. It details the steps an organisation needs to take to embed the PNA role.

Identify a PNA lead

  • Organisation’s chief nurse to identify a senior registered nurse who is responsible for the oversight and implementation of PNAs. They will oversee recruitment, continiung practice and ensure board reporting.

Invite nurses to apply to train as a PNA

  • Subject to course requirements and the needs of the organisation (the ratio of PNAs to WTE nurses) – further detail is given in the national PNA implementation guidance.

Submit applications

  • To the appropriate NHS England and NHS Improvement regional team PNA advisor.

Support PNAs

  • To access the training programme (training places held by the NHS England and NHS Improvement regional PNA advisor and ensure they have release time to practice in their clinical area.

Ensure oversight and assurance

  • Monthly data collection with board oversight to be shared with region (as set out in the national PNA implementation guidance).
  • Ensure all nursing staff have access to restorative clinical supervision.