Appendix D – Digital primary care maturity assurance tool indicators
Indicators linked to a core and mandated requirement
Indicator | Data granularity | Data source |
(Short description) | ||
(IND2.0) GP IT provider business continuity and D.R. plans | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND7.0) Training in clinical systems for practices | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND8.1) General Practice DSPT completed | GP | DSPT Reports (NHS Digital) |
(IND9.1) Secure electronic communications facility | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND11.0) Formal Clinical Safety system for GPs provided | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND12.0) Local GP IT strategy in place | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND14.0) Local GP IT infrastructure and software investment plan | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND15.0) CCG has budgeted plan for core GP IT | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND20.0) Service Specification for GP IT commissioned services | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND21.1) Signed CCG-practice agreement v2 | GP | eDEC |
(IND24.0) Annual formal review of GP IT services with each practice | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND26.0) GP IT support for core GMS contracted hours | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND28.0) GP IT support service desk has formal accreditation | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND30.0) Data Quality Service | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND32.0) Formal P3M (Project, Programme and Portfolio Management) services for GP IT available | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND33.4) Remote working available using NHS managed laptops | GP | eDEC |
(IND33.5) Remote working available using personal computers and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) service | GP | eDEC |
(IND33.6) Remote working available using personal computers and NHS network connection | GP | eDEC |
(IND33.9) Remote working capability is available and can be used by at least 60% staff | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND34.0) There is a refresh plan for GP IT infrastructure | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND36.0) GP IT equipment recorded in accurate asset register. | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND37.1) All software on managed equipment approved and asset managed | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND38.0) All NHS GP IT equipment disposed of properly | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND39.2) Secure resilient off-site/cloud based secure data storage all electronic practice PI data | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND45.1) Practice System able to support patient online access to detailed (coded) record. | GP | POMI – NHS Digital |
(IND48.2) Local A and E discharge letters/summaries received by practice electronically | GP | eDEC |
(IND48.3) Local acute trust inpatient discharge letters/summaries received by practice electronically | GP | eDEC |
(IND48.4) Local acute trust outpatient discharge letters/summaries received by practice electronically | GP | eDEC |
(IND52.2) Practice system able to support patients book/cancel appointments online. | GP | POMI – NHS Digital |
(IND60.2) Documented Business Continuity Plans | GP | eDEC |
(IND86.0) CCG has an appointed Chief Clinical Information Officer (CCIO) | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND88.5) The practice promotes and offers video consultations for Practice patients | GP | eDEC |
(IND88.7) The practice promotes and offers online consultations for Practice patients | GP | eDEC |
(IND90.1) IT support for PCN extended hours services | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND92.1) Practice system able to support patient online ordering repeat prescriptions. | GP | POMI – NHS Digital |
(IND150.1) CCG (or successor body) have clear standing financial protocols in place between commissioners and delivery organisations to ensure commissioners comply with their SFIs. | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND150.2) CCG (or successor body) have clear coding, reporting, monitoring and review arrangements to ensure oversight of GPIT funding and expenditure, with clear escalation points agreed. | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND152.0) Formal Governance and Accountability | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND153.0) Commissioner ownership of strategic digital direction | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND154.0) Clinical consideration of digital technologies in commissioning | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND155.0) Digital requirements in commissioning service specifications | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND156.0) Governance on mapping of digital enablers | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND157.0) Effective and VFM GP IT procurement | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND158.0) GP IT provider DSPT and IG compliance | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND162.0) Benefits are explicitly defined, tracked and captured within individual projects. | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND164.0) Risk management arrangements | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND171.0) WiFi services for GP staff, Guests and Public use | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND174.1) IT Support for PCNs | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND176.0) GP IT Delivery Partner(s) and the GP work to remove, replace or mitigate and actively manage the risks of unsupported systems. | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND181.0) Specialist support for GP Cyber incidents commissioned | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND182.0) GP IT Delivery Partner on-site assessments | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND183.1) GP IT provider certification | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND192.0) The practice no longer uses a facsimile machine to send/receive patient information. | GP | eDEC |
(IND 194.0) Effective backup strategy for all critical data | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND 195.0) Security and protection where GP systems interoperates/integrates with the wider health and care system. | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND 196.0) Shared Care Record is available | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
Indicators linked to an enhanced GP IT requirement
Indicator | Data granularity | Data source |
(Short Description) | ||
(IND33.7) Remote working available using personal computers and RDP software | GP | eDEC |
(IND33.8) Remote working available using another method | GP | eDEC |
(IND45.2) At least 10% patients registered for patient online access to detailed (coded) record. | GP | POMI – NHS Digital |
(IND45.3) At least 20% patients registered for patient online access to detailed (coded) record. | GP | POMI – NHS Digital |
(IND45.4) At least 30% patients registered for patient online access to detailed (coded) record. | GP | POMI – NHS Digital |
(IND46.1) Practice routinely electronically orders common laboratory tests | GP | eDEC |
(IND46.2) Practice routinely electronically orders common imaging and diagnostic tests | GP | eDEC |
(IND46.3) Practice routinely receives electronically reports for imaging and diagnostic tests | GP | eDEC |
(IND52.4) At least 20% patients registered for patient online access appointment booking | GP | POMI – NHS Digital |
(IND52.45) At least 30% patients registered for patient online access appointment booking | GP | POMI – NHS Digital |
(IND57.1) Where the practice works within a federation/collaboration it is able to use its clinical system to share records | GP | eDEC |
(IND57.2) Where the practice works within a federation/collaboration it uses its clinical system to book appointments | GP | eDEC |
(IND57.3) Where the practice works within a federation/collaboration it has integrated telephony systems across practices | GP | eDEC |
(IND57.4) Where the practice works within a federation/collaboration it shares reporting on activity and coded clinical data | GP | eDEC |
(IND57.5) Where the practice works within a federation/collaboration it shares morbidity registers across populations | GP | eDEC |
(IND58.0) Local GP IT equipment specification supports concurrent use of Core and non-Core GP IT systems | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND72.0) Consistent local data sharing and consent model agreed | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND73.0) Auditable electronic records in local community | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND84.1) Clinical staff from general practice can access their digital patient information systems from all provider and GP locations. | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND84.2) Clinical staff from NHS commissioned providers can access their digital patient information systems from all GP locations. | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND88.4) The practice promotes and offers email consultations for Practice patients | GP | eDEC |
(IND88.6) The practice promotes and offers telephone consultations for Practice patients | GP | eDEC |
(IND88.8) The practice promotes and offers email consultations for Nursing Homes | GP | eDEC |
(IND88.9) The practice promotes and offers video consultations for Nursing Homes | GP | eDEC |
(IND88.10) The practice promotes and offers telephone consultations for Nursing Homes | GP | eDEC |
(IND88.11) The practice promotes and offers online consultations for Nursing Homes | GP | eDEC |
(IND88.12) The practice promotes and offers email consultations for Residential Homes | GP | eDEC |
(IND88.13) The practice promotes and offers video consultations for Residential Homes | GP | eDEC |
(IND88.14) The practice promotes and offers telephone consultations for Residential Homes | GP | eDEC |
(IND88.15) The practice promotes and offers online consultations for Residential Homes | GP | eDEC |
(IND92.3) At least 20% patients registered for patient online repeat prescription ordering. | GP | POMI – NHS Digital |
(IND92.4) At least 30% patients registered for patient online repeat prescription ordering. | GP | POMI – NHS Digital |
(IND93.1) Other local health providers can electronically access practice records | GP | eDEC |
(IND93.2) Local social care providers can electronically access practice records | GP | eDEC |
(IND93.3) Practice can electronically access records from other local health providers | GP | eDEC |
(IND93.4) Practice can electronically access records from local social care providers | GP | eDEC |
(IND100.1) Patients can record their personal health data online and accessible by GP | GP | eDEC |
(IND100.2) Patients and GPs can online collaboratively set goals and care outcomes | GP | eDEC |
(IND159.0) Other provider DSPT compliance | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND161.0) The CCG assures benefit realisation from local investment in digital technology. | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND168.0) CQRS Service | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND174.0) Governance for GP IT with STP/ACS/ACO models | CCG | CCG questionnaire |
(IND189.0) The practice have completely digitised all of its paper records (Lloyd George) and paper records are no longer kept on site or in storage. | GP | eDEC |
(IND189.1) The practice uses off site storage for its patient records? | GP | eDEC |
(IND193.0) The practice telephone system is cloud based | GP | eDEC |
(IND193.1) The practice telephone system Integrates with the clinical system to make outgoing calls | GP | eDEC |
(IND193.2) The practice telephone system can be accessed outside practice for outgoing calls | GP | eDEC |
(IND193.3) The practice telephone system can manage peak demands | GP | eDEC |
(IND193.4) The practice telephone system meets practice needs | GP | eDEC |
Guidance contents
- Foreword
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- The CCG practice agreement
- Requirements and capabilities
- Funding
- Commissioning, procurement and contract management
- Assurance
- Addressing the challenges
- Transition arrangements and timescales
- Appendix A – Schedule of GP digital requirements and capabilities
- Appendix B – Responsibilities and accountabilities
- Appendix C – Applicable national frameworks
- Appendix D – Digital primary care maturity assurance tool indicators
- Appendix E – Commissioning GP IT enabling services
- Appendix F – Commissioning advanced GP telephony services
- Appendix G – Procurement checklist
- Appendix H – General practice quick reference
- Appendix I – Glossary of terms