Securing Excellence in Primary Care (GP) Digital Services: The Primary Care (GP) Digital Services Operating Model 2021-2023
The Securing Excellence in Primary Care (GP) Digital Services document sets out the commissioning framework for the provision of high-quality general practice digital services, building upon ‘Securing Excellence in GP IT Services’, first published December 2012 with subsequent editions through to 2019-21.
This model:
- reflects on the lessons learned and digital transformation advances made in the pandemic response
- acknowledges establishment of integrated care systems/integrated care boards with roles and responsibilities reflecting forthcoming changes
- seeks to strengthen patient choice of digital access channels
- continues to address the challenges for digitally enabled general practice
It covers the key policies, standards and operating procedures that CCGs and subsequent commissioning bodies are obliged to work with to fulfil their obligations under the delegated arrangements. The model is intended to ensure that general practices and PCNs have access to safe, secure, effective and high performing IT systems and services that keep pace with the changing requirements to deliver care.
The arrangements outlined support the provision of digital obligations under the GP Contract, describing the specific arrangements that NHS England will put in place to inform general practice of what to expect and explain how the NHS will ensure that key digital strategies are reflected and supported in general practice.
Updated and additional commissioning support packs are available:
- GP IT Specification Commissioning Support Pack
- GP IT Data Capture Service Schedule
- Draft advanced (Cloud) GP Telephony Specification Commissioning Support Pack
CCG Practice Agreement: Terms governing the provision and receipt of digital services in General Practice
NHS England is responsible for the delivery of digital services in General Practice and has directed CCGs to ensure availability and procurement of digital services to practices as outlined in the Primary Care (GP) Digital Services Operating Model 2019-21, supported by the necessary operating arrangements, requirements, standards and leadership.
The CCG Practice Agreement, which will novate under the new integrated care system/integrated care board commissioning arrangements, sets out the basis on which the CCG will make services available to practices and the responsibilities of the practices in respect of receiving services.
Guidance contents
- Foreword
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- The CCG practice agreement
- Requirements and capabilities
- Funding
- Commissioning, procurement and contract management
- Assurance
- Addressing the challenges
- Transition arrangements and timescales
- Appendix A – Schedule of GP digital requirements and capabilities
- Appendix B – Responsibilities and accountabilities
- Appendix C – Applicable national frameworks
- Appendix D –Digital primary care maturity assurance tool indicators
- Appendix E – Commissioning GP IT enabling services
- Appendix F – Commissioning advanced GP telephony services
- Appendix G – Procurement checklist
- Appendix H – General practice quick reference
- Appendix I – Glossary of terms
CCG Practice Agreement: Terms governing the provision and receipt of Digital Services in General Practice
NHS England is responsible for the delivery of digital services in General Practice and has directed CCGs to ensure availability and procurement of digital services to practices as outlined in the Primary Care (GP) Digital Services Operating Model 2019-21, supported by the necessary operating arrangements, requirements, standards and leadership.
The CCG Practice Agreement, which will novate under the new integrated care systems/integrated care boards commissioning arrangements, sets out the basis on which the CCG will make services available to practices and the responsibilities of the practices in respect of receiving services.