Provider partnership delivering an NHS service
Where the NHS has commissioned a number of providers (either NHS or a mix of NHS and non-NHS) to deliver an NHS service, an NHS service logo should be used as this is simpler and clearer for patients.

The name of the service, which appears within the NHS service logo, must follow NHS naming principles. If third party providers are delivering the service, they should contact their NHS commissioner for approval of the name to use in the NHS service logo.
As this is a website, there is the option to position the NHS service logo to the top left, as people often expect to see the search facility in the top right area of a website. The NHS logo and type would then need to be ranged left.
The partners providing the service would be listed in text, under the statement ‘Service provided by’. This would be positioned outside the NHS logo exclusion area, appearing at the bottom of offline communications and visible on the opening page of online communications.
The overall visual style should follow the NHS Identity guidelines as in the example here.