What we spend and how we spend it

The following documents provide further information regarding what NHS England’s spends and how:

Payments over £25,000 we have made

NHS England is committed to meeting Government transparency requirements in relation to how we spend the money we are given. As part of this we will periodically publish information on the payments we have made that are over £25,000.

In the data file where the word ‘removed’ appears against a payment line it means that we have decided that revealing the details of the payment could lead to the identification of an individual patient – the details of the payment have been removed to prevent this.

NHS Long Term Plan

Our Business Plan explains how our commitment to transparency and increasing patients’ voice are fundamental to improving patient care.

The Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration

Pay uplifts for doctors and dentists, who work for the NHS, are determined by the government in light of recommendations made by the independent review body on doctors and dentists remuneration (DDRB).  This body takes evidence from across the four UK administrations, trade unions and NHS Employers before making their recommendations.

NHS Pay Review Body

Pay uplifts for NHS staff working under agenda for change terms and conditions are determined by the government in light of recommendations made by the independent NHS Pay Review Body who take evidence from across the four UK administrations, trade unions and NHS Employers before making their recommendations.

Financial performance report and accounts

These quarterly reports provide an update on the financial performance of NHS England and include the year to date and forecast position for Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), areas of direct commissioning, our central running costs and programme budgets. They also include year to date and forecast performance against commissioner efficiency plans.

Report and accounts

Annual report and accounts for the NHS Commissioning Board (known as NHS England) and NHS Improvement.


Information on expenses incurred by national directors can found here on the ‘Declarations’ page on NHS England website.