Our policies and procedures
Corporate governance documents
- Standards of business conduct policy
- Standing financial instructions
- NHS England standing orders
- NHS Improvement rules of procedure
- NHS England and NHS Improvement scheme of delegation
- Integrated care boards: counter fraud statutory guidance
- Tackling fraud, bribery and corruption: economic crime strategy
- Tackling fraud, bribery and corruption: policy and corporate procedures
Governance documents
- Corporate retention and disposal schedule
- Health and safety policy
- Freedom to speak up: raising concerns (whistleblowing) policy for the NHS
- Freedom of information
Information governance documents
- Corporate document and records management policy
- Information governance policy
- Information security policy
- Information sharing policy
- Confidentiality policy
- Data protection policy
- Freedom of information policy
- Information governance operating model 2020 – 2022
Freedom of information publication scheme
This publication scheme guide explains what information NHS England makes (or expects to make) routinely available, and where it can be accessed.
- NHS England » Safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk in the NHS: Safeguarding accountability and assurance framework
- NHS England » NHS England modern slavery and human trafficking statement
Equality Delivery System (EDS)
This page provides information on the Equality Delivery System (EDS). The EDS is a toolkit to improve equality performance that has been widely implemented across the NHS and is being used by both providers and commissioners of services.
Equality and diversity
This page promotes equality and equity and expresses how they are at the heart of NHS England’s values
The NHS Equality and Diversity Council
This page outlines the works and responsibilities of The Equality and Diversity Council (EDC) provides visible leadership on equality and health inequalities issues across the health and social care.
Useful links
- NHS Constitution for England – GOV.UK
- NHS England » The Equality and Health Inequalities Hub
- NHS Employers
Contact us: edc@nhs.net
Complaints and other customer service policies and procedures
Complaints policy
The policy describes how NHS England manages, responds to and learns from complaints made about its services and the way in which they are commissioned. This is an interim policy to allow time for further consultation and to incorporate any recommendations from wider reviews.
Complaints procedures
This page outlines the NHS England complaints procedure which is designed to be as patient focused as possible and to allow investigations of complaints to be carried out effectively and efficiently.
Social media and comment moderation policy
We encourage and welcome open, lively debate, but the decision to publish comments received via this site and our YouTube channel remains at our discretion. This page sets outlines the moderation policy and guidelines.
Patient and public participation policy
Our ambition, in line with the NHS Constitution and the NHS Long Term Plan, is for patients and the public to be at the heart of everything we do.
We are working to strengthen participation in all of our projects and programmes of work, including policy making and commissioning (the process of planning, buying and monitoring health services). This work is underpinned by our Patient and Public Participation Policy. The document set out our commitment to participation and outlines how we will work with patients and the public to enable them to influence the health services they use.