
Maternity review sets bold plan for safer, more personal services

Maternity services in England must become safer, more personalised, kinder, professional and more family-friendly. That’s the vision of the National Maternity Review, which today (Tuesday) publishes its recommendations for how services should change over the next five years. The NHS England commissioned review – led by independent experts and chaired by Baroness Julia Cumberlege – […]

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Matthew Jolly announced as National Clinical Director: maternity review and women’s health for NHS England

NHS England is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Matthew Jolly (MBBS MD MRCOG) as the National Clinical Director for Maternity Review and Women’s Health. Matthew is an experienced clinician who is committed to providing excellent individual care and to the strategic improvement of maternity services and women’s health. He qualified at St. Mary’s […]

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Sir Bruce Keogh update on review of professional codes of practice

Following publication of the Report of the Morecambe Bay Investigation, Sir Bruce Keogh, National Medical Director, was asked to review the professional codes of practice of doctors and nurses and to ensure that the right incentives are in place to prevent people from covering up, instead of reporting and learning from mistakes. In a letter […]

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Chair of the national maternity review announced

Baroness Julia Cumberlege is to lead a major review of maternity services which is set to modernise care for women and babies across the country, NHS England announced today. The programme of work will assess current maternity care provision and consider how services should be developed to meet the changing needs of women and babies. […]

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Sir Bruce to lead review of professional codes

The Health Secretary today asked Sir Bruce Keogh to carry out a review of codes of practice for health professionals The move by Jeremy Hunt came as a report into the failings over the deaths of mothers and babies at Morecambe Bay was made public. The review to be carried out by Sir Bruce, NHS […]

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Joint statement in response to the independent investigation into maternal and neonatal deaths at university Hospitals Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust

We are deeply saddened by the tragic and inexcusable events described in this report. They should never have happened, and they must never be allowed to happen again. Our fundamental purpose is to ensure that every NHS patient is offered safe, honest and compassionate care, but the report is unequivocal that the care provided to […]

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NHS England announces national review of maternity care

NHS England has today announced details of a major review of the commissioning of NHS maternity services, as promised in the NHS Five Year Forward View. The review will assess current maternity care provision and consider how services should be developed to meet the changing needs of women and babies. Simon Stevens, Chief Executive of […]

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Legionella and heated birthing pools filled in advance of labour in home settings

Public Health England (PHE) and NHS England have issued  a patient safety alert (17 June) temporarily advising against the use in the home of birthing pools with built-in heaters and recirculation pumps, potentially filled up to two weeks in advance of the birth. This follows a single case of Legionnaires’ disease identified in a baby […]

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Support where it’s needed most – Jenny Hicken

Jenny Hicken, a Network Delivery Facilitator for NHS England’s Northern Clinical Networks and Senate on Tyneside, looks at why the NHS needs the voluntary sector: Our team has recently received some training on the benefits of Patient and Public Involvement, and the role of the voluntary sector in supporting the work of the NHS. With […]

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