Clinical Commissioning Groups
Do the NHS Identity guidelines apply to internal communications?
Yes. The NHS Identity guidelines apply to both external and internal communications produced by NHS organisations.
What are the different logo formats in the NHS organisational logo packs for?
The NHS organisational logo packs contain jpeg and eps files because these are the most widely used formats.
Why are some organisational logos split over a number of lines and some over one?
Where the organisational name is longer in width than the A4 landscape page they been split, either over two or three lines. Some organisational names have been split even though they do fit onto one line, this is because they look more balanced with a split.
Are there guidelines for digital communications?
Yes, there is specific advice within each of the relevant guidelines about how to apply them to digital communications.
How can the NHS Identity be used on campaigns?
Our public research shows that the NHS Identity is instantly recognisable and evokes powerful levels of trust and respect. It also shows that the use of the NHS logo gives people confidence in a campaign and is seen as a marker of credibility and quality.
Can we gain sponsorship for a campaign or event?
Whilst not strictly an NHS Identity issue, it is important that sponsorship arrangements must not damage the good reputation of the NHS or the value of the NHS brand.
Can an NHS organisation sell advertising space to generate income?
Some NHS organisations sell advertising space to generate additional income.
Are there guidelines on producing accessible communications?
The Accessible Information Standard was published by NHS England, following approval as a new ‘information standard’ for the NHS and adult social care system, in July 2015.
How do we buy the Frutiger font?
NHS England secured a perpetual licence for Frutiger in three weights on behalf of all NHS organisations within England in December 2024.