Managers and leaders

Our managers and leaders are fundamental to creating positive and healthy working environments for our diverse NHS people. The following section identifies the responsibilities of senior leaders, what healthy behaviours look like for the leaders across our organisations and the importance of skilled and supported managers in helping to build and sustain cultures of health and wellbeing.

  • Senior leadership responsibilities – it’s vital our senior leaders are aware of their responsibilities towards health and wellbeing in our organisations. Wellbeing guardians will help to play a vital role in raising health and wellbeing as a priority.
  • Healthy leadership behaviours – the behaviours of our leaders directly impact on the people around them. By being aware of what good behaviours look like and endeavouring to embody them, our leaders can positively impact the health and wellbeing of their teams.
  • Skilled managers – it’s important that our managers are equipped with the right skills and capabilities to support their own health and wellbeing and that of those around them.

Useful resources and links

Case studies