Patient Information Resources

Below you will find patient information leaflets developed by the Transforming Cancer Services Team in collaboration with patient representatives. They are available in the most common spoken languages in London.

Urgent Suspected Cancer Patient information leaflets for GPs in Primary Care

For GPs in Primary Care who have referred their patients for suspected cancer:


Urgent Suspected Cancer Patient information leaflets for Dentists and Optometrists in Primary Care

For dentists and optometrists in Primary Care who have referred their patients for suspected cancer:


Urgent referrals: tumour specific suspected bowel and breast cancers

For GPs in Primary Care who have referred their patients for suspected bowel cancer:


For GPs in Primary Care who have referred their patients for suspected breast cancer


Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) for symptomatic patients

These leaflets should be given to symptomatic patients who have been asked to complete a FIT because of a suspicion of cancer.