Quarterly Provider Based Cancer Waiting Times Statistics
These statistics show the levels of activity (numbers of patients) and performance for cancer waiting times broken down by the provider where the patients are first seen (following an urgent referral for suspected cancer or breast symptoms) or where treatment takes place.
Latest Statistics
2023/24 Quarterly Provider Cancer Waiting Times Statistics
2022/23 Quarterly Provider Cancer Waiting Times Statistics
2021/22 Quarterly Provider Cancer Waiting Times Statistics
2020/21 Quarterly Provider Cancer Waiting Times Statistics
2019/20 Quarterly Provider Cancer Waiting Times Statistics
2018/19 Quarterly Provider Cancer Waiting Times Statistics
2017/18 Quarterly Provider Cancer Waiting Times Statistics
2016/17 Quarterly Provider Cancer Waiting Times Statistics
2015/16 Quarterly Provider Cancer Waiting Times Statistics
For statistics released between Quarter 4 (January, February, March) 2011/12 and Quarter 1 (April, May, June) 2015/16:
List of quarterly statistics pre Quarter 1 15/16
Archived Quarterly Data
The following files are a summary of the national and official statistics to Q4 2017-18. The files are presented as a summary of national level and by organization for provider based data for periods between Q4 2008-09 and Q4 2017-18.
Cancer Waiting Times – National Time Series Q4 2008-09 to Q4 2017-18 (Provider based) (XLSX,172KB)
Cancer Waiting Times – Provider Time Series Q4 2008-09 to Q4 2017-18 (Provider based) (XLSX,2.1MB)
Links to the National Archives previous cancer waiting times websites containing the data in HTML format (where applicable) and all previously published data in Excel format are:
Cancer waiting times statistics for periods between 01 January 2009 and 31 December 2011
Cancer waiting times statistics for periods before 31 December 2008
Users should note that statistics for periods prior to 31 December 2008 are not comparable to current data. To reduce the burden of collecting these data on the NHS, and to ensure that, over time, there are further opportunities to minimise the impact of collecting cancer waiting times statistics locally, the Department made the cancer waits data collection system interoperable with that used for the general monitoring of referral to treatment waiting times. This change to the reporting methodology was introduced from 1 January 2009.
Under this simplified process, cancer treatment providers no longer have to collect information about suspensions arising from a patient’s unfitness for treatment or from their taking time to think about and discuss their various treatment options.