Discharge Delays
Acute discharge SitRep Collection
Daily returns are collected from acute trusts through the COVID-19 acute daily discharge situation report (sitrep) and include data on daily discharges from acute settings.
Discharge Ready Date
The Urgent and emergency care recovery plan (published on 30 January 2023) committed to publishing, by the start of winter 2023, a metric or suite of metrics based on the time from a patient’s Discharge Ready Date to their actual date of discharge.
Other collections
Weekly timeseries discharge delays data for the 22/23 winter period can be found in the statistical work area.
Please note the monthly publication and weekly timeseries figures are likely to differ.
Monthly publications data can be revised prior to publication where as weekly publications data do not undergo a revisions process.
Other information relating to delays is available in the delayed transfer of care (DTOC) page.
The DTOC metric is no longer being collected and publication has therefore ceased. The last publication of these data was for delays occurring in February 2020, published on 9 April 2020.
The DTOC data is not comparable with acute discharge delays data published on this page but does offer historic data on patients and days delayed at provider organisation level.
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For further information about the published statistics, please contact us at: