(Discontinued) Maternity and Breastfeeding


This collection reports on the number and proportion of women seen and assessed by a healthcare professional within 12 weeks and 6 days of their maternity, the number and proportion of mothers who have initiated or not initiated breastfeeding and the number and proportion of infants who have been fully, partially or not at all breastfed at 6-8 weeks*.  The decision to switch reporting sources at this time has been made on the basis of cessation of alternative collections.

Maternity risk assessment and breastfeeding initiation

Data relating to breastfeeding status immediately after birth is now captured and reported by NHS Digital via the Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS).

Details for providers to make their data submissions are available by following this web-link http://content.digital.nhs.uk/maternityandchildren/maternity

Reporting: The latest published statistics on this are available via the monthly statistical reports published by NHS Digital and available here

If you require any additional information or support in relation to submitting maternity risk assessment and proportion of mothers who have initiated breastfeeding data to the MSDS please visit the MSDS data set page:  http://content.digital.nhs.uk/maternityandchildren/maternity

Breastfed at 6-8 weeks

The 6-8 week breastfeeding data is published by NHS Digital through the Children and Young People’s Health Services (CYPHS) Dataset.

Please see https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/breastfeeding-statistics for further information

Details for Providers:  Issues with coverage and data quality of the CYPHS data set do currently exist and NHS Digital are working to address this, however it may be some time until this work is complete. Detail on how to identify what which organisations and what activities are in scope for reporting within the CYPHS dataset and how they may report data to the CYPHS see the following web link http://content.digital.nhs.uk/maternityandchildren/CYPHS .

Reporting:  The central infrastructure for the CYPHS dataset has been fully implemented and data began to flow from local services to NHS Digital in October 2015. Despite some gaps in coverage across the country, and variations in the quality of the data flowing NHS Digital have started to publish some of the data in order to encourage participation and demonstrate benefits. NHS Digital have published monthly reports on the data since September 2016.The latest publication and its supporting files are available here  (data should be available for the April 2017 reporting period).

If you require any additional information or support in relation to submitting breastfeeding status data at 6-8 weeks to the CYPHS dataset please visit the CYPHS data set page:


For further support please email NHS Digital at enquiries@nhsdigital.nhs.uk  using the subject title “Submitting Breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks Data to CYPHS”.


Breastfeeding and 12 Week Risk Assessment Collection Guidance (PDF, 382KB) (amended on 28/09/2016)

Pre-release Access List

Pre-release Access List (PDF, 136KB)

Statistical Commentary

Statistical Commentary Q4 2016/17 (PDF, 107KB)
Statistical Commentary Q3 2016/17 (PDF, 107KB)
Statistical Commentary Q2 2016/17 (PDF, 496KB)
Statistical Commentary Q1 2016/17 (PDF, 495KB)
Statistical Commentary Q4 2015/16 (PDF, 495KB)
Statistical Commentary Q3 2015/16 (PDF, 496KB)
Statistical Commentary Q2 2015/16 (PDF, 232KB)


Note: As of 2015/16 breastfeeding data published here is only breastfeeding initiation and not 6-8 weeks data.


Breastfeeding 2016/17 Q4 (XLS, 464KB)
12 Week Risk Assessment 2016/17 Q4 (XLS, 827KB)
Breastfeeding & 12 Week Risk Assessment 2016/17 GP (XLS, 1.78MB)


Breastfeeding 2015/16 Q4 (XLS, 1.53MB) (amended on 20/10/2017)
12 Week Risk Assessment 2015/16 Q4 (XLS, 762KB)
Breastfeeding & 12 Week Risk Assessment 2015/16 GP (XLS, 2.69MB) (amended on 20/10/2017)


Breastfeeding 2014/15 Q4_v2 (XLS, 1.13MB) (amended on 10/07/2015)
Breastfeeding 2014/15 Q4_v2 (PDF, 0.98MB) (amended on 10/07/2015)
12 Week Risk Assessment 2014/15 Q4 (XLS, 832KB)
12 Week Risk Assessment 2014/15 Q4 (PDF, 2.69MB)
Breastfeeding & 12 Week Risk Assessment 2014/15 GP (XLS, 3.40MB)


Breastfeeding 2013/14 Revised Data V4 (XLS, 1.00MB)  (amended on 08/01/2015, 12/01/2015 & 23/03/2015)
Breastfeeding 2013/14 Revised Data V4 (PDF, 628KB) (amended on 08/01/2015, 12/01/2015 & 23/03/2015)
Breastfeeding 2013/14 Revised Data GP V2 (XLS, 1.73MB)  (amended on 09/10/2014)