Health Visitors

Health Visitor metrics
This section of the website provides information on the Health Visitor metrics in England. Details of two metrics are included, both of which are being used as management information only:

  • the Indicative Health Visitor Collection (IHVC)
  • the Health Visitors Service Delivery Metrics

In April 2013, NHS England assumed responsibility for the Health Visiting workforce growth and service transformation, via the NHS Mandate and Section 7A agreement. This requires delivery of the new model of Health Visiting and full coverage of the healthy child programme by 2015 by all Health Visiting services. Responsibility for commissioning Health Visiting services will be transferred to Local Authorities from October 2015.

Further information on the Health Visitor metrics can be found at:
Indicative Health Visitor Collection (IHVC)
Health Visitors Service Delivery Metrics

Contact Us
You can obtain further details about the management information published in this section, or send in your comments, by emailing the teams at the address below.
Health Visitor Service Delivery Metrics: