Mental health: children and young people with an eating disorder waiting times


The Children and Young People with an Eating Disorder (CYP ED) Waiting Times data contains information on the number of children and young people who have accessed, or are waiting for treatment following a routine or urgent referral for a suspected eating disorder.

The Mental Health Services dataset (MHSDS) included data regarding children and young people’s mental health from January 2016. The data collection is still experimental, with a focus on data quality and completion. Anticipating poor quality data in the early stages of the MHSDS, NHS England has implemented an interim data collection that focuses on the referral to treatment waiting time element of the Children and Young People with an Eating Disorder (CYP ED) evidence based care pathway. This interim measure enables collection of data and is helping to verify and improve the quality of statistics derived from the MHSDS. The collection functions through the NHS Digital Strategic Data Collection System (SDCS).

Data for this collection is available back to Quarter 1 2016/17.

Retirement of the bespoke Children and Young People with Eating Disorders Collection

The Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS) collection for Children and Young People with Eating Disorders (CYP ED) was retired at the end of the 2022-23 reporting period. The last publication was for 2022-23 Quarter 4 (January – March 2023) on 11 May.

The CYP ED access and waiting time standard is monitored using the MHSDS data only from 2023-24 onwards Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics – NHS Digital. For more information for how to submit to the MHSDS please see the MHSDS submissions webpage.

Note regarding Q2, Q3 and Q4 2022/23

Unfortunately, a number of providers of CYP ED data continue to be affected by the recent cyber incident. Efforts to help providers to understand how best to resolve data submission issues are on-going. The ongoing cyber incident has meant that national level data for CYP ED cannot be considered an accurate reflection of activity. In order to assist users until the cyber incident and its effects are resolved, NHS England has produced national level estimates for Q2 2022-23, Q3 2022-23 and Q4 2022-23, calculated through imputation. This imputation is consistent with the Methodology applied by NHS Digital for Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics. Therefore, the Q2, Q3 and Q4 2022/23 editions of the publication are not badged as “Official Statistics”. Previous editions of the publication are unaffected.

Region, ICB, Sub ICB and Provider level data is still included in the Q3 publications, with areas highlighted in red where the cyber incident has impacted reporting.

We will continue to monitor this situation with regards to subsequent months’ publications. No changes to submission processes will be introduced while service providers are actively dealing with this issue, but we will further assess opportunities to resubmit CYP ED data for affected months, in parallel with the usual submission cycle.

National estimates methodology

To indicate use of imputed figures, national level estimates are highlighted in pale orange, where relevant.

In order to create estimates from the data submitted for Q2 2022-23 onwards, data was run for the prior 12 month period to create national totals for all providers and national totals excluding the impacted providers. From this, NHS England was able to calculate the average percentage difference across the 12 month period. This factor was then applied to the current observed values from the data submitted to SDCS (excluding the providers impacted).

This methodology allows for the calculation of national totals which, for the most part, are in line with the actual published metrics between Q2 2021-22 and Q1 2022-23. Extreme caution should be used when interpreting these statistics however, and the following should be considered: Data presented are estimates based on providers submitting data to SDCS who are not impacted by the cyber incident. The trends and activity reported by these providers is for the most part reflective of the providers impacted by the cyber incident but given the lack of data, this is currently an assumption.


Guidance for Reporting against Access and Waiting Time Standards: CYP ED & EIP (

Disclosure review

Due to small numbers referred in some areas, the data has the potential to risk the disclosure of individual young people. To mitigate risks of case disclosure, suppression rules have been applied to the published data.

Please note that these rules have been updated due to the inclusion, from 2019/20 Q1, of STP level started treatment information. The impact of including the STP data is that the extent of suppression of CCGs has increased to ensure that suppressed values cannot be calculated by calculating differences between STP and CCG values.

Q1 2022/23 and Q3 2o22/23 have been republished on 21/02/23 due to errors in the suppression of these files.

More information, including the suppression rules being applied to the data, can be found in the Risk of Disclosure document below.

Pre-release access list

Statistical press notice


England Time-Series








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Performance Analysis Team
Primary Care, Public Health, Mental Health and Quality (PPMQ)
NHS England and NHS Improvement
Premier House
60 Caversham Road
Reading RG1 7EB