Venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk assessment
This page contains the publications for the VTE data collection. For more information about the VTE data collection, please visit the venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk assessment collection page.
- data publications for 2024-25
- data publications for 2019-20
- data publications for 2018-19
- data publications for 2017-18
- data publications for 2016-17
- data publications for 2015-16
- data publications for 2014-15
- data publications for 2013-14
- data publications for 2012-13
- data publications from 2010-11 Q2 to 2011-12 Q4
Contact us
You can obtain further details about the statistics published in this section or send in your comments by emailing:
Data queries relating to the Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS) collection (e.g. to do with the template or submissions) should go to the collections team: