Mental health: physical health checks for people with severe mental illness


The Sub-integrated care board (ICB) data collection for people with severe mental illness (SMI) receiving a full physical health check data contains information on the number of people on the General Practice SMI register at the end of each quarter, and of these how many received a comprehensive physical health check in the 12-months to the end of the reporting period.

This data has been supplied by Sub-ICBs who have gathered it from GP practices and other providers of primary care services in their areas.

Data for this collection is available from Quarter 3, 2018/19, published in February 2019.

Physical health checks may be delivered in either primary or secondary care. The indicator for 2018/19 asks Sub-ICBs to report quarterly on the delivery of physical health checks for people on the SMI register in primary care settings only. The updated indicator for 2019/20 asks Sub-ICBs to report quarterly on the delivery of physical health checks for people on the SMI register in any setting, including the relevant follow-up interventions and access to national screening. Technical guidance supporting the collection is available below.

The data presented here are considered experimental owing to the fact that they are known to be incomplete both in terms of the number of Sub-ICBs who have not supplied information, and that some of those that have supplied information have supplied partial data. The experimental label of these statistics will be reviewed and removed once data completeness improves sufficiently.

Please note that a revised Q1 2023-24 file has been added to correct a data extract error in submissions for Sub-ICBs in Lancashire and South Cumbria.


Retirement of the bespoke physical health checks for people with severe mental illness collection

The Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS) collection for physical health checks for people with severe mental illness (PHSMI) was retired at the end of the 2023-24 reporting period. The last publication was for 2023-24 Quarter 4 (January – March 2024) on 9 May.

Physical health checks for people with severe mental illness will be monitored using the PHSMI GPES data only from 2024-25 onwards.

Pre-release access list

Statistical press notice


CSV file







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Performance Analysis Team
Primary Care, Public Health, Mental Health and Quality (PPMQ)
NHS England and NHS Improvement
Premier House
60 Caversham Road
Reading RG1 7EB