Supplementary information

25 July 2024 – COVID-19 Spring vaccinations administered to residents of older adult care homes in England

The number and percentage of COVID vaccinations administered to residents of older adult care homes in England during the 2024 spring campaign.

As of 30 June 2024, 68% of all older adult care home residents have been given a Spring vaccination.

Spring vaccinations for older adult care home residents to 30 June 2024


25 July  2024 – Spring 24 COVID vaccinations for severely immunosuppressed and  immunosuppressed individuals

An overview of vaccination uptake for individuals in the severely immunosuppressed and immunosuppressed cohorts by ethnicity, age, region, and IMD in England during the Spring 2024 campaign

Spring 2024 COVID vaccinations for SIS and IS 25 July 2024


24 June 2024 – Response to user request for data: Faster Diagnosis Standard for Breast Symptomatic, Suspected Breast Cancer and Breast Screening Programme

Analysis of Faster Diagnosis Standard Breast Symptomatic, Suspected Breast Cancer and National Breast Screening between May 2023 to September 2023 (final) and October 2023 to April 2024 (provisional).

FDS Suspected Breast Cancer and breast symptoms by referral route

13 June 2024 – COVID-19 Spring vaccinations administered to residents of older adult care homes in England

The number and percentage of COVID vaccinations administered to residents of older adult care homes in England during the 2024 spring campaign.

As of 12 June 2024, 63.3% of all older adult care home residents have been given a Spring vaccination.

Spring vaccinations for older adult care home residents to 12 June 2024

14 May 2024 – Faster Diagnosis Standard for Breast Symptomatic, Suspected Breast Cancer and Breast Screening Programme

Analysis of Faster Diagnosis Standard Breast Symptomatic, Suspected Breast Cancer and National Breast Screening between March 2023 to September 2023 (final) and October 2023 to February 2024 (provisional).

FDS suspected breast cancer and breast symptoms by referral route

9 May 2024 – COVID-19 Spring vaccinations administered to residents of older adult care homes in England

The number and percentage of COVID vaccinations administered to residents of older adult care homes in England during the 2024 spring campaign.

As of 8 May 2024, 51.8% of all older adult care home residents have been given a Spring vaccination.

Spring vaccinations for older adult care home residents to 8 May 2024

26 April 2024 – Regional MMR vaccinations administered in the first 12 weeks of 2023 and 2024

The number of MMR vaccinations administered in the first 12 weeks of 2023 and 2024 by region, with breakdowns by 1st and 2nd dose events and ages 1 to under 5, 5 to 11 and 12 to 25.

MMR Regional Activity Comparison 2023 vs 2024

19 April 2024 – COVID-19 spring vaccinations of older adult care home residents and appointment bookings 

As of Thursday 18 April 2024, over 3,400 adult care homes had already been visited, delivering over 48,400 vaccinations. An additional 6,400 vaccinations had been delivered to care home residents in other locations, such as their GP practice. More than 700,000 eligible individuals have booked an appointment to get their spring Covid-19 vaccine since the National Booking System opened on Monday 15 April 2024.

04 April 2024 – MMR vaccinations administered in the first 12 weeks of 2023 and 2024

The number of MMR vaccinations administered in the first 12 weeks of 2023 and 2024, with breakdowns by 1st and 2nd dose events and ages 1 to under 5 and 5 to 25.

MMR Activity Comparison 2023 vs 2024

28 March 2024 – Estimated impact of industrial action on completed pathways for consultant-led elective services on the days of, and immediately surrounding, the strikes

This analysis estimates the direct activity effects on the days of Industrial Action (IA) and surrounding 2-3 days for IA up to February 2024.

20240328 IA Analysis

28 March 2024 – MMR explainer of the 3.4 million estimate of children not fully vaccinated against measles

This document provides details of how the estimated figure of 3.4 million children, who were not fully vaccinated against measles, was derived.

MMR explainer_3.4 million estimate

01 March 2024 – 31 day First Treatments for Gynaecological Cancer

The number of 31-day First Treatments for Gynaecological cancers between April 2019 to September 2023 (final) and October 2023 to December 2023 (provisional).

20240301 31 day First Treatments for Gynaecological Cancers

29 February 2024 – Autumn Winter 2023-24 COVID vaccinations for severely immunosuppressed and  immunosuppressed individuals

An overview of  vaccination uptake for individuals in the severely immunosuppressed and immunosuppressed cohorts by ethnicity, age, region and IMD in England during the  Autumn Winter 2023-24 campaign.

Autumn Winter 2023-24 COVID vaccinations for SIS and IS 29 February 2024

27 February 2024 – Incomplete RTT Pathways – Community Services

The number of incomplete RTT pathways for community services for the period week ending 04 February 2024.

Incomplete RTT pathways – Community Services

1 February 2024 – Autumn Winter 2023-24 Co-admin vaccinations

The number and percentage of people who have had a flu vaccination co-administered with a Covid vaccination in the Autumn/Winter 2023/24 campaign.

Autumn Winter 2023-24 Co-admin vaccinations 1 February 2024

25 January 2024 – COVID-19 and flu vaccinations administered to frontline healthcare workers in the Autumn 2023 campaign

The number of frontline healthcare workers in the NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR) who have had a vaccination for COVID-19 and flu since the start of the Autumn 2023 campaign.

COVID and flu vaccinations for frontline healthcare workers to 25 January 2024

24 January 2024 – 62-Day combined standard for Suspected Breast Cancer

Analysis of November 2023 (provisional) data for 62-Day wait from an Urgent Suspected Cancer or Breast Symptomatic Referral, or Urgent Screening Referral, or Consultant Upgrade to a First Definitive Treatment for Cancer: by referral route and treatment modality for Breast Cancer.

Region based 62-Day Combined Breast Cancer, by Route and Treatment Modality (Nov-23)

11 January 2024 – Complete RTT Pathways for Active Monitoring and Patient Choice

Figures for referral-to-treatment complete pathways for period end dates 1 December 2022 to 30 November 2023.

Complete RTT Pathways for Active Monitoring and Patient Choice

2 January 2024 – Referral-to-treatment incomplete pathways – total and those waiting over 65 weeks

Figures for referral-to-treatment incomplete pathways for the period from week-ending 8 October 2023 to week-ending 17 December 2023.

Referral-to-treatment incomplete pathways – total and those waiting over 65 weeks

21 December 2023 – COVID-19 autumn boosters administered to residents of care homes in England

Overview of how operational management information has been used to track the number of COVID-19 boosters administered to residents of care homes in England during the 2023 autumn booster campaign.

As of 20 December 2023, using operational data, it is estimated that 81.4% of all care home residents, and 89.5% of all eligible care home residents, have been vaccinated with an autumn booster.

Autumn boosters for care home residents to 21 December 2023

21 December 2023 – COVID-19 and flu vaccinations administered to frontline healthcare workers in the Autumn 2023 campaign

The number of frontline healthcare workers in the NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR) who have had a vaccination for COVID-19 and flu since the start of the Autumn 2023 campaign.

COVID and flu vaccinations for frontline healthcare workers to 21 December 2023

21 December 2023 – 31 Day Subsequent Treatments by Radiotherapy for Suspected Breast Cancer Nationally

Analysis of 31 Day Subsequent Treatments by Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer between August 2022 to March 2023 (final) and April 2023 to October 2023 (provisional).


21 December 2023 – 31 Day Subsequent Treatments by Radiotherapy for Suspected Breast Cancer by Provider

Analysis of 31 Day Subsequent Treatments by Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer between August 2022 to March 2023 (final) and April 2023 to October 2023 (provisional).


07 December 2023 – Specific acute treatment functions 

List of specific acute treatment functions. Specific acute replaces what was previously known as general and acute (G&A).

Specific acute treatment functions

30 November 2023 – Over 27 million autumn vaccinations reported for COVID and flu

As of Thursday, 30 November 2023 a total of 11,404,669 COVID and 16,190,661 flu vaccinations have been reported as administered by the NHS in England since the start of the autumn campaign including 61.5 percent of people aged 65 and over having received a COVID jab. Over 4.5 million COVID and flu vaccinations have been administered at the same time.

30 November 2023 – COVID-19 and flu vaccinations administered to frontline healthcare workers in the Autumn 2023 campaign

The number of frontline healthcare workers in the NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR) who have had a vaccination for COVID-19 and flu since the start of the Autumn 2023 campaign.

COVID and flu vaccinations for frontline healthcare workers to 26 November 2023 – Revised

23 November 2023 – COVID-19 autumn boosters administered to residents of care homes in England

Overview of how operational management information has been used to track the number of COVID-19 boosters administered to residents of care homes in England during the 2023 autumn booster campaign.

As of 23 November 2023, using operational data, it is estimated that 80.6% of all care home residents, and 88.4% of all eligible care home residents, have been vaccinated with an autumn booster.

Autumn boosters for care home residents to 23 November 2023

8 November 2023 – Referral-to-treatment pathways by referral source and procedure

Figures for the percentage of referral-to-treatment clock starts by source of referral and the percentage of referral-to-treatment open pathways by intended procedure for week-ending 8 October 2023.


2 November 2023 – Over 10 million autumn vaccinations reported for COVID 

As of Thursday, 2 November 2023 a total of 10,005,459 COVID vaccinations have been reported as administered by the NHS in England since the start of the autumn campaign on 11 September 2023.

26 October 2023 – COVID-19 autumn boosters administered to residents of care homes in England

Overview of how operational management information has been used to track the number of COVID-19 boosters administered to residents of care homes in England during the 2023 autumn booster campaign.

As of 26 October 2023, using operational data, it is estimated that 77.6% of all care home residents, and 85.1% of all eligible care home residents, have been vaccinated with an autumn booster.

Autumn boosters for care home residents to 25 October 2023

18 October 2023 – Over 18 million autumn vaccinations reported for COVID and flu

As of Wednesday, 18 October 2023 a total of 7,525,637 COVID and 10,527,579 flu vaccinations have been reported as administered by the NHS in England since the start of the autumn campaign on 11 September 2023. Of those over 3m COVID and flu vaccinations have been given at the same time. More than 12,000 care homes have been visited to date, representing over 80 percent of all care homes.

29 September 2023 – Over 6 million autumn vaccinations reported for COVID and flu

As of Friday, 29 September 2023 a total of 2,357,222 COVID and 3,762,591 flu vaccinations have been reported as administered by the NHS in England since the start of the autumn campaign on 11 September 2023. More than 6,000 care homes have been visited to date, representing over a third of all care homes.

26 September 2023 – Over four million autumn vaccinations reported for COVID and flu

As of Tuesday, 26 September 2023 a total of 1,649,901 COVID and 2,808,234 flu vaccinations have been reported as administered by the NHS in England since the start of the autumn campaign on 11 September 2023. A total of 4,616 care homes have been visited to date, representing over a quarter of all care homes.

25 September 2023 – 31 Day Subsequent Treatments by Radiotherapy for Suspected Breast Cancer

Analysis of 31 Day Subsequent Treatments by Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer between August 2022 to March 2023 (final) and April 2023 to July 2023 (provisional).

31-Day Wait for Subsequent Treatment Radiotherapy Treatments for Breast Cancer

25 September 2023 – Faster Diagnosis Standard for Breast Symptomatic, Suspected Breast Cancer and Breast Screening Programme

Analysis of Faster Diagnosis Standard Breast Symptomatic, Suspected Breast Cancer and National Breast Screening between September 2021 to March 2023 (final) and April 2023 to July 2023 (provisional).

FDS suspected breast cancer and breast symptoms by referral route

17 August 2023 – Community Beds Audit

Data collected to identify beds in the community.

Community Beds Audit data

10 August 2023 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2023 (final) and April 2023 to June 2023 (provisional).


13 July 2023 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2023 (final) and April 2023 to May 2023 (provisional).


13 July  2023 – Provisional information on patients waiting longer than 78 weeks to start consultant-led elective care

Provisional information on the number of Referral to Treatment (RTT) incomplete pathways of 78 weeks or more.

RTT >78 Week Waits

10 July 2023 –  COVID-19 spring booster uptake for SIS and IS cohorts

Overview of  spring booster uptake for individuals in the SIS and IS cohorts by ethnicity, age, region and IMD in England during the 2023 spring booster campaign.

Spring booster uptake for SIS and IS 10 July 2023

6 July 2023 – COVID-19 spring boosters administered to residents of older adult care homes in England

Overview of how operational management information has been used to track the number of COVID-19 boosters administered to residents of older adult care homes in England during the 2023 spring booster campaign.

As of 4 July 2023, using operational data, it is estimated that 77.6% of all older adult care home residents, and 83.9% of all eligible older adult care home residents, have been vaccinated with a spring booster.

Spring boosters for older adult care home residents to 04 July 2023

21 June 2023 – Cumulative number of diagnostic tests performed by Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs), 13 July 2021 to 21 May 2023 by month

Provisional weekly data compiled by month on the number of diagnostic tests of all types performed by Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs), from their earliest introduction in July 2021 to week ending 21 May 2023.  Subsequent data found at the Diagnostic Management Information page.

Weekly Community Diagnostic Centre Activity (by month) to 21 May 2023

16 June 2023 – Faster Diagnosis Standard for Breast Symptomatic and Suspected Breast Cancer

Analysis of Faster Diagnosis Standard Breast Symptomatic and Suspected Breast Cancer between September 2021 and September 2022 (final) and October 2022 to April 2023 (provisional).

FDS for Breast Symptomatic and Breast Cancer

13 June 2023 – Hospital Discharge Sitrep data

Dataset containing Acute Discharge data such as delay reasons, patients discharged and discharge destination upto 30th April 2023.

Hospital discharge data

8 June 2023 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and September 2022 (final) and October 2022 to April 2023 (provisional).


25 May 2023 – COVID-19 spring boosters administered to residents of older adult care homes in England

Overview of how operational management information has been used to track the number of COVID-19 boosters administered to residents of older adult care homes in England during the 2023 spring booster campaign.

As of 22 May 2023, using operational data, it is estimated that 70.4% of all older adult care home residents, and 75.8% of all eligible older adult care home residents, have been vaccinated with a spring booster.

Spring boosters for older adult care home residents to 22 May 2023

22 May 2023 – Primary Care dental activity

To measure recovery from the pandemic NHS England has been monitoring activity by NHS dentists. In some places the data collected is different to that published by (what was) NHS Digital and NHS Business Service Authority. The highlights are published here.

Primary Care Dental Supplementary Data

19 May 2023 – Three million spring booster doses reported

As of Friday 19 May 2023 a total of 3,071,843 spring booster doses have been reported as administered by the NHS in England.

16 May 2023 – Weekly Independent Sector Elective Admissions, Outpatient Attendances, Diagnostics and Cancer Activity

Independent Sector weekly data on the number of Ordinary Elective and Day Case Admissions, Outpatient Attendances, Diagnostics and Cancer activity performed between 1st May 2022 and 23rd April 2023 compared with the corresponding weeks in 2019/20.

Weekly Independent Sector Activity May 22 to April 23

11 May 2023 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and September 2022 (final) and October 2022 to March 2023 (provisional).


11 May 2023 – Information on patients waiting longer than 78 weeks to start consultant-led elective care at the end of March 2023

Information on the number of Referral to Treatment (RTT) incomplete pathways of 78 weeks or more at the end of March 2023, broken down by the status of the patient.

Referral to Treatment >78 weeks end of March 2023

5 May 2023 – Two million spring booster doses reported

As of Friday 5 May 2023 a total of 2,044,110 spring booster doses have been reported as administered by the NHS in England.

30 April 2023 – Hospital Discharge Sitrep data

Dataset containing Acute Discharge data such as delay reasons, bed days lost and patients remaining in hospital.

Hospital Discharge Data

27 April 2023 – COVID-19 spring boosters administered to residents of older adult care homes in England

Overview of how operational management information has been used to track the number of COVID-19 boosters administered to residents of older adult care homes in England during the 2023 spring booster campaign.

As of 24 April 2023, using operational data, it is estimated that 46.6% of all older adult care home residents, and 50.2% of all eligible older adult care home residents, have been vaccinated with a spring booster.

Spring boosters for older adult care home residents to 24 Apr 2023

25 April 2023 – One million spring booster doses reported

As of Tuesday, 25 April 2023 a total of 1,031,263 spring booster doses have been reported as administered by the NHS in England. 

13 April 2023 – Increased capacity in response to winter

In August 2022 NHS England outlined the steps that needed to be taken to increase capacity and operational resilience in urgent and emergency care ahead of winter. This included several core objectives, including increasing capacity by the equivalent of at least 7,000 general and acute beds, through a mix of new physical beds, virtual wards, and improvements elsewhere in the pathway. The table below provides a breakdown of the total number of bed or bed equivalents delivered because of the steps taken by the NHS to prepare and respond to winter. Through the delivery plan for recovering urgent and emergency care services we are now taking steps to increase our capacity further.


13 April 2023 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and September 2022 (final) and October 2022 to February 2023 (provisional).


27 March 2023 – Backlog of patients waiting longer than 62 days from urgent GP referral for suspected cancer

Data on the backlog of patients waiting longer than 62 days from urgent GP referral for suspected cancer from week ending 5 February to week ending 19 March 2023. This includes patients waiting for treatment, and those who are on a cancer pathway and who will not have cancer but waiting for this to be ruled out.

Backlog-of-patients-waiting-longer-than-62-days-from-urgent-GP-referral-for-suspected-cancer-we 19032023

27 March 2023 – Provisional information on patients waiting longer than 78 weeks to start consultant-led elective care

Provisional information on the number of Referral to Treatment (RTT) incomplete pathways of 78 weeks or more.

RTT >78 Week Waits

10 March 2023 – First and subsequent treatments for Breast Cancer for Anti-Cancer drugs

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Breast Cancer for Anti-Cancer drugs between March 2020 and March 2022 (final) and April 2022 to November 2022 (provisional).

First Treatment for Breast Cancer by Anti-Cancer Drug Regimen

9 March 2023 – Backlog of patients waiting longer than 62 days from urgent GP referral for suspected cancer

Analysis of Backlog of patients waiting longer than 62 days from urgent GP referral for suspected cancer for February 2023 (provisional).


9 March 2023 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2022 (final) and April 2022 to January 2023 (provisional).


9 March 2023 – Provisional information on patients waiting longer than 78 weeks to start consultant-led elective care

Provisional information on the number of Referral to Treatment (RTT) incomplete pathways of 78 weeks or more.

RTT >78 Week Waits

23 February 2023 – Provisional information on patients waiting longer than 78 weeks to start consultant-led elective care

Provisional information on the number of Referral to Treatment (RTT) incomplete pathways of 78 weeks or more.

RTT >78 Week Waits

20 February 2023 – Hospital Discharge Sitrep data

Dataset containing Acute Discharge data such as delay reasons, patients discharged and discharge destination upto 31st December.

Hospital Discharge Data

9 February 2023 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2022 (final) and April 2022 to December 2022 (provisional).


19 January 2023 – Hospital Discharge Sitrep data

Dataset containing Acute Discharge data such as delay reasons, patients discharged and discharge destination upto 31st December.

Hospital discharge data

19 January 2023 – Acute Discharge Sitrep data

Dataset containing all Acute Discharge data held by NHSE by provider upto 8th January 2023.

Acute Daily Discharge data

12 January 2023 – Faster Diagnosis Standard for Breast Cancer

Analysis of Faster Diagnosis Performance for Breast Symptomatic and Suspected Breast Cancer between September 2021 and March 2022 (final) and April 2022 to November 2022 (provisional).


12 January 2023 – First and subsequent treatments for Breast Cancer

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Breast Cancer between March 2020 and March 2022 (final) and April 2022 to November 2022 (provisional).


12 January 2023 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2022 (final) and April 2022 to November 2022 (provisional).


6 January 2023 – Community Health Services Baselining exercise

This paper provides an overview of the baselining collection, conducted by NHSEI in the first half of 21/22 which asked CCGs and Community Health Services (CHS) providers to report expenditure data for 21/22, 20/21 and 19/20, and workforce and activity data for 20/21 and 19/20. This was against a core set of 43 NHS commissioned CHS only services.



21 December 2022 – COVID-19 autumn boosters administered to residents of adult care homes in England

Overview of how operational management information has been used to track the number of COVID-19 boosters administered to residents of all adult care homes in England during the 2022 autumn/winter campaign.

As at 18 December 2022, using operational data, it is estimated that 83.7% of all adult care home residents, and 88.9% of eligible adult care home residents, had been vaccinated with an autumn booster.

Autumn boosters for care home residents to 18 Dec 2022


21 December 2022 – Information on community health services waiting lists

Data on waiting lists and waiting times across a subset of approximately 140 community health services providers and up to 45 different service lines from August 2021 to October 2022, with a break in December 2021.


8 December 2022 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2022 (final) and April 2022 to October 2022 (provisional).


29 November 2022 – Information on the number of discharge delays, and for how long, due to homelessness in and around Hertfordshire

Information on the number of discharge delays, and for how long, due to homelessness in and around Hertfordshire. Includes data on acute discharge delays of 7+ days, 14+ days and 21+ days due to the delay reason ‘Homeless/no right of recourse to public funds/no place to discharge to’.

Discharge delays due to homelessness in and around Hertfordshire – Feb 2022 to Oct 2022

16 November 2022 – Waiting list for children and young people’s speech and language therapy

The number of referrals on the waiting list for children and young people’s community speech and language therapy in August 2022, by provider and length of time on the waiting list.


10 November 2022 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2022 (final) and April 2022 to September 2022 (provisional).


3 November 2022 – Flu Vaccinations in England

The number of people who have had a flu vaccination since the 1st August 2022, by NHS region of residence.

Flu vaccinations 03 November 2022

2 November 2022 – Number CWT of 31-day first treatments for prostate cancer

A national monthly count of CWT 31-day first treatments where the primary cancer has been identified as Urology (prostate). Two years of data is shown – from January 2019 through to August 2022 (inclusive).


13 October 2022 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2022 (final) and April 2022 to August 2022 (provisional).


11 October 2022 – Number of Polio vaccinations in London region

Data on the number of Inactivated Polio Vaccines (IPV) vaccines that have been reported to NHS England as administered in the London region to children aged 1-9, from 10th August 2022.

Polio vaccinations 11 October 2022

3 October 2022 – Number of patients waiting more than 62 days following an urgent suspected cancer referral

Data on the number of patients waiting more than 62 days following an urgent suspected cancer referral from week ending 26 July 2015 to week ending 26 January 2020.


8 September 2022 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to July 2022 (provisional).

8 September 2022 – COVID-19 Hospital Diagnoses

Regional level data from 1 August 2020 to 31 August 2022 on the number of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in hospital, split by number of days from admission to test.

COVID-19 diagnoses by time from admission to test

18 August 2022 – Monkey Pox Vaccinations

The number of smallpox (Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA)) vaccines that have been administered via sexual health services in England to people at highest risk of monkeypox infection and a small number of contacts of monkeypox cases.

MVA vaccinations 18 August 2022

11 August 2022 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments
Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to June 2022 (provisional).

10 August 2022 – Monkey Pox Vaccinations

A full, regular publication of vaccination data is being prepared and will shortly be released.

As at 10:00 on 10th August 2022 a total of 25,325 vaccines have been administered via sexual health services to people at highest risk of infection.

8 August 2022 – Provisional information on patients waiting longer than 104 weeks to start consultant-led elective care at the end of July 2022

Provisional information on the number of Referral to Treatment (RTT) incomplete pathways of 104 weeks or more at the end of July 2022, broken down by the status of the patient.

RTT >104 weeks end of July 22

4 August 2022 – Information on community health services restoration and response to COVID-19

Data on the restoration of activity, backlog/waiting lists, and service delivery methods across a subset of approximately 140 community health services providers and up to 45 different service lines. 18 months of data are shown, from October 2020 to May 2022, with breaks in January and December 2021.


4 August 2022 – Weekly Independent Sector Elective Admissions, Outpatient Attendances, Diagnostics and Cancer Activity

Independent Sector weekly data on the number of Ordinary Elective and Day Case Admissions, Outpatient Attendances, Diagnostics and Cancer activity performed between 5th July 2021 and 10 July 2022 compared with the corresponding weeks in 2019/20.

Weekly Independent Sector Activity July 21 to July 22

2 August 2022 – Monkey Pox Vaccinations

A full, regular publication of vaccination data is being prepared and will shortly be released.

As at 10:00 on 1st August 2022 a total of 14,227 vaccines have been administered via sexual health services to people at highest risk of infection.

14 July 2022 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to May 2022 (provisional).


14 July 2022 – Weekly provisional data on patients waiting longer than 104 weeks to start consultant-led elective care at acute NHS providers

Weekly provisional data on the number of Referral to Treatment (RTT) incomplete pathways of 104 weeks or more at acute NHS providers, from week ending 12 June 2022 to week ending 03 July 2022.

Weekly RTT >104 weeks – Jun to Jul 2022

28 June 2022 – Weekly provisional data on patients waiting longer than 104 weeks to start consultant-led elective care at acute NHS providers

Weekly provisional data on the number of Referral to Treatment (RTT) incomplete pathways of 104 weeks or more at acute NHS providers, from week ending 8 May 2022 to week ending 12 June 2022.

Weekly RTT >104 weeks – May to June 2022

27th June 2022 – Weekly data on diagnostic tests performed in Community Diagnostic Centres

Provisional weekly data on the number of diagnostic tests of all types performed by Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs), from their earliest introduction in July 2021 to week ending 15 May 2022.

Weekly Community Diagnostic Centre activity to 15 May 2022

16 June 2022 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to April 2022 (provisional).


16 June 2022 – Weekly provisional data on patients waiting longer than 104 weeks to start consultant-led elective care at acute NHS providers

Weekly provisional data on the number of Referral to Treatment (RTT) incomplete pathways of 104 weeks or more at acute NHS providers, from week ending 8 May 2022 to week ending 5 June 2022.

Weekly RTT >104 weeks – May to June 2022

10 June 2022 – Weekly provisional data on patients waiting longer than 104 weeks to start consultant-led elective care at acute NHS providers

Weekly provisional data on the number of Referral to Treatment (RTT) incomplete pathways of 104 weeks or more at acute NHS providers, from week ending 30 January 2022 to week ending 29 May 2022.

Weekly RTT >104 weeks – January to May 2022

12 May 2022 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to March 2022 (provisional).


12 May 2022 – Weekly provisional data on patients waiting longer than 104 weeks to start consultant-led elective care at acute NHS providers

Weekly provisional data on the number of Referral to Treatment (RTT) incomplete pathways of 104 weeks or more at acute NHS providers, from week ending 3 April 2022 to week ending 1 May 2022.

Weekly RTT >104 weeks – April to May 2022

14 April 2022 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to February 2022 (provisional).


14 April 2022 – Weekly provisional data on patients waiting longer than 104 weeks to start consultant-led elective care at acute NHS providers

Weekly provisional data on the number of Referral to Treatment (RTT) incomplete pathways of 104 weeks or more at acute NHS providers, from week ending 6th March 2022 to week ending 3rd April 2022.

Weekly RTT >104 weeks – March to April 2022

08 April 2022 – Patients at highest risk of hospitalisation with COVID who have received an antiviral or monoclonal antibody treatment

Analysis of data from NHS COVID Medicine Delivery Units across England show the number of patients that received the antiviral treatment nirmatrelvir/ritonavir (Paxlovid) in the week 31 March 2022 to 6 April 2022. The data also shows the total number of patients who have received either antiviral medication (molnupiravir, nirmatrelvir/ritonavir or remdesivir) or a monoclonal antibody (sotrovimab or casirivimab/imdevimab) since access to these treatments began on 16 December 2021.

COVID Treatments Supplementary Data Submission_08042022

08 April 2022 – Information on community health services restoration and response to COVID-19

Data on the restoration of activity, backlog/waiting lists, and service delivery methods across a subset of approximately 140 community health services providers and up to 45 different service lines. 14 months of data are shown, from October 2020 to January 2022, with breaks in January and December 2021.


25 March 2022 – COVID-19 vaccinations of severely immunosuppressed individuals

The number of individuals identified as severely immunosuppressed who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 in England, as reported on 25th March 2022.


10 March 2022 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to January 2022 (provisional).


10 March 2022 – Category 2 ambulance response times

The count of C2 ambulance incidents for the weeks ending 12 and 19 January 2022, with total and average response times.

Weekly C2 incidents and mean response times

03 March 2022 – Individuals aged 18 and over who have had a 2nd COVID-19 vaccination dose but not a booster/3rd dose

The number of individuals aged 18 years and over who have had a 2nd COVID-19 vaccination dose but not a booster/3rd dose, as reported on 26th January 2022, by whether they are eligible to have a booster dose yet, and if they are eligible, how long they have been eligible for.

Individuals who have had a 2nd COVID-19 vaccination dose but not a booster dose

10 February 2022 – Number CWT of 31-day first treatments for prostate cancer

A national monthly count of CWT 31-day first treatments where the primary cancer has been identified as Urology (prostate). Two years of data is shown – from January 2019 through to December 2021 (inclusive).


10 February 2022 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to December 2021 (provisional).


22 January 2022 – Patients at highest risk of hospitalisation with COVID who have received an antiviral or monoclonal antibody treatment

Analysis of data from NHS COVID Medicine Delivery Units across England show the number of patients that received either antiviral medication (molnupiravir) or a monoclonal antibody (sotrovimab or casirivimab/imdevimab) since access to these treatments began on 16 December 2021.

Covid Treatments Supplementary Data Submission

19 January 2022 – Individuals aged 18 and over who have had a 2nd COVID-19 vaccination dose but not a booster/3rd dose

The number of individuals aged 18 years and over who have had a 2nd COVID-19 vaccination dose but not a booster/3rd dose, as reported on 17th January 2022, by whether they are eligible to have a booster dose yet, and if they are eligible, how long they have been eligible for.

Individuals who have had a 2nd COVID-19 vaccination dose but not a booster dose

13 January 2022 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to November 2021 (provisional).


20 December 2021 – COVID-19 3rd dose vaccinations of severely immunosuppressed individuals

The number of individuals identified as severely immunosuppressed who have been vaccinated with a 3rd primary dose for COVID-19 in England, as reported on 20th December 2021.

COVID-19 3rd Dose Vaccinations of Severely Immunosuppressed Individuals

13 December 2021 –Adults admitted for Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Respiratory Failure following COVID infection – including pregnant/post-partum women and vaccination status

Analysis of data for adults admitted in to the National Respiratory ECMO service between 1st July 2021 and 22nd November 2021 following COVID infection.  Data identifies the number of patients admitted for ECMO following COVID related infections and COVID vaccination status including pregnancy/post-partum status and vaccination status.

Adults admitted for Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Respiratory Failure following COVID infection

10 December 2021 – Weekly Independent Sector Elective Admissions, Diagnostics and Cancer Activity

Independent Sector weekly data on the number of Ordinary Elective, Day Case and Outpatient Admissions, Diagnostics and Cancer activity performed between 1st of August and 21st of November 2021 compared with the same equivalent weeks in August to November 2019.

Weekly independent sector activity performed from August 2021 onwards

09 December 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to October 2021 (provisional).


02 December 2021 – COVID-19 vaccinations of NHS Trust health care workers

The number of NHS Trust health care workers in the NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR) who have been vaccinated for COVID-19, broken down by NHS Trust, age, gender and ethnicity. Figures provided for vaccinations to 26th September 2021 and vaccinations to 28th November 2021.

COVID-19 Vaccinations of NHS Trust Health Care Workers

25 November 2021 – COVID-19 3rd dose vaccinations of severely immunosuppressed individuals

The number of individuals identified as severely immunosuppressed who have been vaccinated with a 3rd primary dose for COVID-19 in England, as reported on 18th November 2021.

COVID-19 3rd Dose Vaccinations of Severely Immunosuppressed Individuals – revised

11 November 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to September 2021 (provisional).


14 October 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to August 2021 (provisional).


14 October 2021 – Pregnant and Post-Partum women admitted for Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Respiratory Failure following COVID infection

Analysis of 3 months data for adults admitted in to the National Respiratory ECMO service between 1st July 2021 and 30th September 2021 following COVID infection.  Data identifies the proportion of patients admitted for COVID related infections and pregnancy/post-partum status and vaccination status.

Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Respiratory Failure following COVID-19 infection Q2 2021-22


09 September 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to July 2021 (provisional).


12 August 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to June 2021 (provisional).


08 July 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2021 (final) and April 2021 to May 2021 (provisional).


16 June 2021 – Proportion of 62 Day Treatments different to initial Two Week Wait Referral

Analysis of 62 Day Treatments following an urgent suspected cancer referral where the cancer tumour group was different to the initial suspected tumour group referral. Data is presented annually for 2018/19, 2019/20 and April 2020 to December 2020.

Proportion of 62 Day Treatments different to initial Two Week Wait Referral

15 June 2021 – COVID-19 vaccinations in older adult care homes

The number and proportion of older adult care homes where at least 80% of staff and 90% of residents have been vaccinated for COVID-19, alongside the number and proportion of residents and staff of older adult care homes who have been vaccinated. Data as at 13 June 2021.

Older Adult Care Homes Vaccinating 80% of staff and 90% of residents June 2021

Further vaccination programme statistics are available at

10 June 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and September 2020 (final) and October 2020 to April 2021 (provisional).


19 May 2021 – COVID-19 vaccinations by NHS region and age

The number of people who have been vaccinated for COVID-19, split by NHS region of residence and age group. Data as at 18 May 2021 and includes vaccinations between 8 December 2020 and 16 May 2021.

COVID-19 vaccinations by NHS region and age 19 May 2021

Further vaccination programme statistics are available at

13 May 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and September 2020 (final) and October 2020 to March 2021 (provisional).


21 April 2021 – COVID-19 vaccinations in older adult care homes

The number and proportion of older adult care homes where at least 80% of staff and 90% of residents have been vaccinated, alongside the number and proportion of residents and staff of older adult care homes who have been vaccinated for COVID-19. Data as at 15 April 2021.

Older Adult Care homes vaccinating 80% of staff and 90% of residents

Further vaccination programme statistics are available at

15 April 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and September 2020 (final) and October 2020 to February 2021 (provisional).


11 March 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and September 2020 (final) and October 2020 to January 2021 (provisional).


8 March 2021 – Number of referrals seen following an urgent suspected Head and Neck Cancer referral from a General Dental Practitioner

Data on the number of referrals seen following an urgent suspected Head and Neck Cancer referral from a General Dental Practitioner from 2014 to 2020.

Head and Neck Dentist referrals seen_Published

11 February 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and September 2020 (final) and October 2020 to December 2020 (provisional).


27 January 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Treatment for Haematological cancers

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, and Radiotherapy Treatments for Haematological cancers between April 2018 and September 2020 (final) and October 2020 to November 2020 (provisional).


14 January 2021 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and September 2020 (final) and October 2020 to November 2020 (provisional).


10 December 2020 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2020 (final) and April 2020 to October 2020 (provisional).


13 November 2020 – Recovery of elective and diagnostic services

Weekly data on the number of Ordinary Elective Admissions and Diagnostic tests performed in October 2020 compared with October 2019.

Weekly Data on elective activity and diagnostic tests performed October 2020

12 November 2020 – 31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2020 (final) and April 2020 to September 2020 (provisional).


30 October 2020 – Recovery of urgent referrals for suspected cancer seen

The number of urgent suspected cancer referrals seen in week ending 11 October 2020 compared to 2019 average week.

Two Week Wait Seen week ending 11 Oct 2020

30 October 2020 – Recovery of first treatments for cancer following an urgent referral for suspected cancer

The number of first treatments for cancer following an urgent referral for suspected cancer in week ending 11 October 2020 compared to average week from week ending 12 January 2020 to week ending 15 March 2020.

First Treatment following urgent suspected cancer referral week ending 11 Oct 2020

29 October 2020 – Recovery of elective and diagnostic services

Weekly data on the number of Ordinary Elective Admissions and Diagnostic tests performed in September 2020 compared with September 2019.

Weekly Data on elective activity and diagnostic tests performed September 2020

Hospital Discharges to Care Homes

Analysis of hospital discharges to care homes between the 30th January 2020 and the 16th April 2020 with a comparison to care home discharged from the same period in 2019.

Hospital discharges to care homes analysis
Methodology for estimating the numbers of patients discharged from hospitals into care homes (Revised on 17/07/2020)

31 Day First or Subsequent Cancer Treatments

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, Surgery, and Radiotherapy and all Treatments by Cancer between April 2018 and March 2020 (final) and April 2020 to August 2020 (provisional).


Backlog of patients waiting longer than 62 days from an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer

Data on the number patients waiting longer than 62 days from an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer between March 2020 and August 2020.  Data shown for those with and without a Decision to Treat.


Number of Critical Care beds and General and Acute Beds – June 2020

Data on the number of available and occupied beds for week 8-14 June 2020 provided as an answer to a Freedom of Information request

FOI Request (GA and Adult Critical Care bed occupancy data)

31 Day First or Subsequent Treatment for Haematological cancers

Analysis of 31 Day Treatments for first or subsequent treatment for Chemotherapy, and all Treatments for Haematological cancers between April 2018 and March 2020 (final) and April 2020 to July 2020 (provisional).

All-first-sub-chemo-all-haematological – July 2020

Number of referrals seen following an urgent cancer referral from a General Dental Practitioner

Data on the number of referrals seen following an urgent cancer referral from a General Dental Practitioner from 2014 to July 2020 provided as an answer to a Freedom of Information request.

FOI-Request-Referrals seen following urgent cancer referral from a General Dental Practitioner