Integrated Urgent Care

Integrated Urgent Care (IUC) describes a range of services including NHS 111 and Out of Hours services, which aim to ensure a seamless patient experience with minimum handoffs and access to a clinician where required.

Integrated Urgent Care including NHS111 telephony

Integrated Urgent Care Aggregate Data Collection (IUC ADC)
The IUC ADC became the official source of IUC statistics in April 2021, when the NHS 111 Minimum Dataset (NHS 111 MDS) was merged into a revised version of the IUC ADC. Since then, a provisional subset of the IUC ADC data is published in the month after the collection end date (eg, April data published in May), with the complete monthly IUC ADC published as Official Statistics the following month (eg, April data published in June). The IUC ADC specification is reviewed and updated annually which means not all data items will be directly comparable with the same data items collected in the previous year.  The IUC ADC is used to monitor the IUC KPIs.

The publication documents for the IUC ADC can be found in the sub-folders for each financial year below, along with guidance and supporting documents for each revised iteration.  These comprise a specification document, Key Performance Indicators, glossary, Dx code mapping and DoS service type mapping.

Data Quality
Data for the IUC ADC are provided by lead data providers for each integrated urgent care service in England. It is the responsibility of commissioners of an IUC service to identify lead data providers and ensure that data are supplied each month. While lead data providers are responsible for collating and coordinating information for IUC ADC, they are not necessarily contracted to deliver all NHS 111 and out of hours services in the contract area. Integrated Urgent Care is provided by a variety of organisations, including ambulance services, private companies, not for profit organisations and NHS Trusts. The quality of data in this report is therefore dependent upon all parts of the IUC service supplying data to the relevant lead data provider.

Revisions will be published periodically (usually every six months) in line with NHS England Analytical Service team’s revisions policy.

Patient Experience Survey (PES)
The Patient Experience Survey was introduced in 2011 by the Integrated Urgent Care (IUC) Service to provide patient feedback about the NHS 111 and IUC service.  Surveys are carried out locally by service provider organisations using a variety of methods (paper, telephone and online).  The results of mandatory questions are published twice a year.

The publication documents for the PES can be found in the sub-folders for each financial year below, along with a guidance specification document.

Publication Documents:

IUC ADC data set and NHS 111 Patient Experience Survey 2024-25

IUC ADC data set and NHS 111 Patient Experience Survey 2023-24

IUC ADC data set and NHS 111 Patient Experience Survey 2022-23

IUC ADC data set and NHS 111 Patient Experience Survey 2021-22

The following IUCADC flowchart has been created to show how patients interacted with the 111 IUC service during 2023/24.

Click on the image to enlarge it.  (IUC Flowchart, PNG, 127KB)

NOTE: These data include revisions published on 10/10/24


NHS 111 Online:
NHS 111 online ( is a fast and convenient alternative to the 111 phone service for people who want to access 111 digitally.

Data from 111 online were first published as ‘management information’ in July 2023.  This includes information on volume of activity and the outcomes reached at national, regional and integrated care board (ICB) level.

For published data, methodology and data quality information, see:

NHS 111 Online Statistics


Previous Data Sets 2011-2021:
The NHS 111 Minimum Data Set (MDS) was the official source of IUC data until the end of March 2021.  The IUC ADC was published as Experimental Statistics from June 2019 (April 2019 data) until May 2021 (March 2021 data) and was used to monitor the IUC ADC KPIs. There were differences in the definitions of data items in the MDS and IUC ADC so not all data items were directly comparable. Users are advised to refer to the specification guidance for each collection when interpreting figures.

NHS 111 Minimum Dataset 2011-2021 and IUC ADC Experimental Dataset 2019-2021


NHS 111 COVID-19 Response Services February 2020 to March 2022
These data are a summary of additional services that were set up alongside NHS 111 between February 2020 and March 2022 in response to the demand caused by COVID-19.

Calls answered by the Covid-19 Response Services are additional activity that are not published elsewhere in the NHS 111 MDS and IUC ADC.

Statistical Note
IUC Covid Response Services Statistical Note Feb 2020 to Mar 2022 (PDF, 64KB) (published 12/05/22)

Excel Data
IUC Covid Response Services data from Feb 2020 to Mar 2022 (XLSX, 32KB) (published 12/05/22)


Pre-Release Access and Publication Timetable:

This document lists people who have access to the statistics in the 24 hours before publication:
NHS 111 IUC ADC Pre-release Access List 9 January 2025 (PDF, 85KB)

IUC ADC Publication Timetable 2024-25 (PDF, 33KB)


Contact Details
For further information about the published statistics, please contact us at:

111 Operational Insights Team
NHS England
7 & 8 Wellington Place
Leeds LS1 4AP


For press enquiries, please contact the NHS England press office on 0113 825 0958 or