National Diabetes Experience Survey (NDES)

The National Diabetes Experience Survey is an England-wide survey about experiences of care among those living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.  

People living with diabetes, their carers and healthcare professionals, and NHS staff were involved throughout the development of the survey and the reports. 

The results of the survey are published by Ipsos on behalf of NHS England on the  National Diabetes Experience Survey website. 

Latest publication 

These are the latest Official Statistics in development for England for the  National Diabetes Experience Survey, published on 10 December 2024: 

These results present the aggregated data collected by online and postal surveys from 18 March 2024 to 16 July 2024. 

The national results are available here: 

In addition, NHS England has developed information packs for Integrated Care Systems (ICSs),  helping to inform commissioners and care providers about experiences of care among those living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. These are available here: 

  2024 pre-release access list 


Contact us 

For further information about the published statistics, please contact: