Dementia Assessment and Referral 2018-19

This section of the website provides information on the Dementia Assessment and Referral data collection for the period April 2018 to March 2019.
This data collection reports on the number and proportion of patients aged 75 and over admitted as an emergency for more than 72 hours in England who have been identified as potentially having dementia, who are appropriately assessed and who are referred on to specialist services. This is described with the acronym FAIR (Find, Assess/Investigate, Refer).The dementia data collection has been in place since 2013/14 with the focus on acute trusts. As part of the CQUIN process, this data return was expanded for 2015/16 to cover community services providers and commissioners and to look at care plans on discharge which meet agreed standards. These additional requirements have no longer applied since 2016/17, but the standard contract notes that the original FAIR return remains a mandatory, BAAS-approved data submission for all acute providers. See para 39.17 of the 2017/18 Technical Guidance.For further information please see

The data was collected via the Unify2 upload system until 2017/18 but for this year will be collected via NHS Digital’s Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS). The return is still administered by NHS England and the results published here.

For further information see—General-Collections/pdf/SDCS_Guidance_-_General_Collections.pdf


Dementia Standard Contract Indicator 2018-19 Guidance v1.0


2018/19 Data

March 2019 (Quarter 4 2018-19) Data (Revised 6th November 2019)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q4-2018-19 REVISED (CSV, 35KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q4-2018-19 REVISED (XLS, 66KB)


SUPERSEDED (released 5th June 2019)

Dementia-Press-Notice-Q4 2018-19 (PDF, 136KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q4-2018-19 (XLS, 145KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q4-2018-19 v2 (CSV, 40KB)

Dementia-Pre-Release-Access-List-March-2019 (PDF, 18KB)


February 2019 Data (released 1st May 2019)

Dementia-Press-Notice-February-2019 (PDF 359KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-February-2019 (XLS, 55KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-February-2019 (CSV, 15KB)

Dementia-Pre-Release-Access-List-February 2019 (PDF 25KB)


January 2019 Data (released 3rd April 2019)

Dementia-Press-Notice-January-2019 (PDF 361KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-January-2019 (XLS, 32KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-January-2019 (CSV, 15KB)

Dementia-Pre-Release-Access-List-January 2019 (PDF 20KB)


December 2018 (Quarter 3 2018-19) Data (Revised 1st May 2019)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q3-2018-19 REVISED (XLS, 60KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q3-2018-19 REVISED (CSV, 40KB)

SUPERSEDED (released 6th March 2019)

Dementia-Press-Notice-Q3-2018-19 (PDF 372KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q3-2018-19 (XLS, 60KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q3-2018-19 (CSV, 40KB)

Dementia-Pre-Release-Access-List-December 2018 (PDF 20KB)


November 2018 Data (released 6th February 2019)

Dementia-Press-Notice-November-2018 (PDF 360KB)

Dementia-Pre-Release-Access-List-November 2018 (PDF 20KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-November-2018 (CSV, 15KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-November-2018 (XLS, 32KB)


October 2018 Data (released 9th January 2019)

Dementia-Press-Notice-October-2018 (PDF 360KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-October-2018 (XLS, 32KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-October-2018 (CSV, 15KB)

Dementia-Pre-Release-Access-List-October 2018 (PDF 20KB)


September 2018 (Quarter 2 2018-19) Data (Revised 1st May 2019)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q2-2018-19 REVISED (CSV, 36KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q2-2018-19 REVISED (XLS, 73KB)

SUPERSEDED (released 5th December 2018)

Dementia-Press-Notice-Q2-2018-19 (PDF 196KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q2-2018-19 (XLS, 73KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q2-2018-19 (CSV, 36KB)

Dementia-Pre-Release-Access-List-September 2018 (PDF 20KB)


August 2018 Data (released 7th November 2018)

Dementia-Press-Notice-August-2018 (PDF, 196KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-August-2018 (XLS, 32KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-August-2018 (CSV, 15KB)

Dementia-Pre-Release-Access-List-August 2018 (PDF, 20KB)


July 2018 Data (released 3rd October 2018)

Dementia-Press-Notice-July-2018 (PDF 195KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-July-2018 (XLS, 35KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-July-2018 (CSV, 15KB)

Dementia-Pre-Release-Access-List-July 2018 (PDF 20KB)


June 2018 (Quarter 1 2018-19) Data (Revised 1st May 2019)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q1-2018-19 REVISED (XLS, 73KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q1-2018-19 REVISED (CSV, 36KB)

SUPERSEDED (released 5th September 2018)

Dementia-Press-Notice-Q1-2018-19 (PDF 196KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q1-2018-19 (XLS, 73KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-Q1-2018-19 (CSV, 53KB)

Dementia-Pre-Release-Access-List-June 2018 (PDF 20KB)


May 2018 Data (released 1st August 2018)

Dementia-Press-Notice-May-2018 (PDF 195KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-May-2018 (XLS, 35KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-May-2018 (CSV, 15KB)

Dementia-Pre-Release-Access-List-May 2018 (PDF 20KB)


April 2018 Data (released 4th July 2018)

Dementia-Press-Notice-April-2018 (PDF 195KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-April-2018 (XLS, 35KB)

Dementia-Data-Collection-April-2018 (CSV, 15KB)

Dementia-Pre-Release-Access-List-April-2018 (PDF 18KB)


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