Health Visitors Service Delivery Metrics

The Health Visitor Service Delivery metrics were developed by NHS England in order to provide assurance on service transformation in England. They cover the following indicators in 2014/15:

  • Number of mothers who received a first face to face antenatal contact with a Health Visitor at 28 weeks or above;
  • Percentage of New Birth Visits completed;
  • Percentage of 12 month development reviews completed by the time the child turned 12 months;
  • Percentage of 12 months development reviews completed by the time the child turned 15 months;
  • Percentage of 2-2.5 year reviews completed; and
  • Percentage of Sure Start Advisory Boards with a HV presence.

These metrics are used as management information and have been collected quarterly since Quarter 2 2013/14 at provider level. They are reported here by region and nationally.

Quarter 2 2013/14 (July to September 2013) to Quarter 3 2014/15 (October to December 2014) – Updated 22nd May 2015
HV Service Metrics Report Q2 2013-14 to Q3 2014-15 (PDF, 129KB)
HV Service Delivery Metrics Q2 2013-14 to Q3 2014-15 (XLS 49KB)
HV Service Delivery Metrics Q2 2013-14 to Q3 2014-15 (CSV 6KB)

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