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The provision of health services is devolved across the four nations of the UK. As a result, the way we measure NHS activity and performance in each nation differs. A joint statement on the coherence of these statistics, and advice on how and when to make comparisons across the UK has been published on the Analysis Function website.

Information for data suppliers

Collections timetable
General guidance for NHS England collections for data providers and commissioners
Guidance on non-submission of mandatory returns

Current official statistics publications

Accident and emergency attendances and emergency admissions
A&E performance and emergency admissions for all A&E types, including minor injury units and walk-in centres.

Ambulance quality indicators
System indicators and clinical indicators measuring ambulance service quality.

Bed availability and occupancy
Beds open overnight, day only beds, critical care beds and residential care beds.

Cancelled elective operations
Cancelled operations and the total number of operating theatres.

Cancer patient experience survey
The cancer patient experience survey has been designed to monitor national progress on cancer care; to provide information to drive local quality improvements; to assist commissioners and providers of cancer care; and to inform the work of the various charities and stakeholder groups supporting cancer patients.

Cancer under 16 patient experience survey
The under-16 cancer patient experience survey is a new national initiative to gather feedback from children and young people and their parents/carers on the cancer care and treatment received.

Cancer waiting times
Waiting times of people referred by their GP with suspected cancer or breast symptoms and those subsequently diagnosed with and treated for cancer by the NHS in England.

Continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care
This section contains statistics relating to the activity of NHS Continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care in England. Categories of activity covered are: eligibility, referrals, conversion rates, personal health budgets and decision support tools.

Critical care bed capacity and urgent operations cancelled
Monthly situation reports on critical care bed capacity and cancelled urgent operations.

Dental commissioning
Information about NHS dental activity commissioned by NHS England local offices, measured in units of dental activity (UDAs).

Diagnostic imaging dataset
The Diagnostic Imaging Dataset (DID) is a central collection of detailed information about diagnostic imaging tests carried out on NHS patients, extracted from local Radiology Information Systems (RISs) and submitted monthly.

Diagnostic waiting times and activity
Monthly and quarterly diagnostic waiting times and activity and an annual collection on the number of imaging and radiological examinations or tests carried out during the year.

Direct access audiology waiting times
Direct access audiology (DAA) referral to treatment (RTT) waiting times.

General practice (GP) patient survey
The GP patient survey provides information to patients, GP practices and commissioning organisations on a range of aspects of patients’ experience of their GP services and other local primary care services.

General practice patient survey: dental results
Additional analysis of the dental section of GPPS is carried out by NHS England, combining questions to get more of an understanding of dental access and behaviours.

Integrated urgent care aggregate data collection (IUCADC including NHS 111)
Integrated Urgent Care (IUC) describes a range of services including NHS 111 and Out of Hours services, which aim to ensure a seamless patient experience with minimum handoffs and access to a clinician where required.

Mental Health: Children and young people with an eating disorder waiting times
The Children and Young People with an Eating Disorder (CYP ED) Waiting Times data contains information on the number of children and young people who have accessed, or are waiting for NICE-approved treatment following a routine or urgent referral for a suspected eating disorder.

Mental Health: Physical health checks for people with severe mental illness (SMI)
Information about physical health checks for people with severe mental illness (SMI).

Mixed sex accommodation breaches
Total occurrences of unjustified mixing in relation to sleeping accommodation.

National patient and staff surveys
NHS England produces and uses a range of different surveys as a valuable source of feedback directly from patients, services users and NHS staff about the care that they receive or provide. This page provides information on and links to the GP Patient Survey, CQC’s National Patient Survey Programme, Cancer Patient Experience Survey, Overall Patient Experience Scores, the National Survey of Bereaved People (VOICES), Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS), Friends and Family Test (FFT) and the NHS Staff Survey.

NHS staff survey in England
The staff survey results are predominantly aimed at NHS organisations, to inform local improvements in staff experience and well-being. Nationally, the NHS staff survey results provide an important measure of performance against the pledges set out in the NHS Constitution.

Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs)
Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) assess the quality of care delivered to NHS patients from the patient perspective.

Referral for outpatients
Counts of referrals for first consultant-led outpatient appointments.

Referral to treatment (RTT) waiting times
Referral to Treatment (RTT) waiting times, which monitor the length of time from referral through to treatment.

Links to all relevant screening publications.

Urgent and Emergency Care Daily Situation Reports
Daily returns are collected from acute trusts with a major A&E department and includes data on areas such as A&E closures and diverts, ambulance handover and bed availability.

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk assessment
Information on the number and proportion of admitted adult patients in England who have been risk assessed for VTE.

Wheelchair data collection
A quarterly Integrated Care Board (ICB) data collection, which includes information on: the number of registered users of NHS funded wheelchair services; time from referral to equipment delivery; and expenditure on wheelchair services.

Supplementary information


Management information

These publications are not classified as Official Statistics and the data is provided as management information.

2-hour Urgent community response
Key performance indicators relating to 2-hour Urgent Community Response (UCR), focused on the delivery of UCR services in England.

Community health services waiting lists
Information on waiting lists for community health services collected through the monthly Community Health Services SitRep.

COVID-19 Hospital Activity
Information on patients in hospital who have tested positive for COVID-19.

Dental Workforce
Information on the dental workforce in England.

Discharge delays
Data relating to acute discharges from the acute discharge situation report (SitRep), on Discharge Ready Date and other collections.

Friends and family test
Friends and family test (FFT) inpatient, A&E, maternity and staff data.

Health visitor metrics
Information on health visitor metrics in England. To be used as management information only.

Intermediate Care
Daily returns are collected from intermediate care providers through the intermediate care data collection and includes data on daily discharges from intermediate care settings.

Outpatient recovery and transformation
This section contains key management information related to the recovery and transformation of outpatient services, specifically specialist advice activity.

Vaccinations: Child immunisation
Quarterly collection on the immunisation coverage for three cohort age groups; 12 months, 24 months and 5 years by Sub ICB Location.

Virtual Ward
The Virtual Ward Capacity and Occupancy statistics are Management Information. The data is reported by 153 lead virtual ward providers in England. Data is collected by NHS England via the Virtual Ward SITREP which was launched in April 2022.


Retired publications

These statistics have been retired and are no longer published on this website, or responsibility for their collection and publication has migrated to another organisation.

Combined performance summary
A summary of monthly performance statistics on NHS 111, ambulance quality indicators, A&E attendances and emergency admissions, waiting times for diagnostic tests, referral to treatment for consultant-led elective care and cancer services, and delayed transfers of care.

COVID-19 Deaths
Information on deaths of patients who died in hospitals in England and had either tested positive for COVID-19 or where COVID-19 was mentioned on the death certificate (March 2020 – March 2023)

COVID-19 Post-covid assessment service
Information on activity and demographics of patients who have been referred to a Post-Covid (Long Covid) assessment clinic in England.

Delayed transfers of care
Monthly situation reports on acute and non-acute delayed transfers of care by NHS provider, local authority, responsible organisation and reason for delay.

Dementia assessment and referral
Provider level information on the number and proportion of patients aged 75 and over admitted as an emergency for more than 72 hours who have been identified as potentially having dementia, who are appropriately assessed and, where appropriate, referred on to specialist services.

Discharge delays (Community)
Daily returns are collected from community bedded care providers through the COVID-19 community daily discharge situation report (SitRep) and include data on daily discharges from community settings.

Early intervention in psychosis waiting times
The early intervention in psychosis waiting times data contains information on the number of people with first episode of psychosis who have accessed or are waiting for treatment.

Extended access to general practice
Extended access to general practice monitors the availability of pre-bookable appointments in general practice at evenings and weekends.

Hospital activity
Inpatient elective admission events and referrals and attendances for outpatient appointments.

Integrated performance measures monitoring
Report on primary care trust performance against plans to address selected health priorities relating to the NHS operating framework.

Maternity and breastfeeding
The number and proportion of women seen and assessed by a healthcare professional within 12 weeks and 6 days of their maternity, the number and proportion of mothers’ who have initiated or not initiated breastfeeding and the number and proportion of infants who have been fully, partially or not at all breastfed at 6-8 weeks.

Mental health community teams activity
Early intervention (EI) services, care programme approach (CPA) and gate keeping by the crisis resolution home treatment (CRHT) teams.

Patient experience scores overall
National Statistics for England for the patient experience overall measure.

Winter daily situation reports
Daily Situation Reports (SitReps) are collected from acute trusts each weekday during winter and include data on areas such as A&E closures and diverts or bed pressures.