Delayed Transfers of Care Data 2017-18
The Monthly Situation Report collects data on the total delayed days during the month for all patients delayed throughout the month. Prior to April 2017, it also collected data on the number of patients delayed on the last Thursday of the month.
Data are shown at provider organisation level, from NHS Trusts, NHS Foundation Trusts and Primary Care Trusts.
Data are also shown by Local Authority that is responsible for each patient delayed.
Data is split by the agency responsible for delay (NHS, Social Services or both), type of care that the patient receives (acute or non-acute) and reason for delay.
The latest publication of this data was for delays occurring in March 2018 and was published on 10th May 2018.
Further information for this collection, including the guidance document, can be found here
- For delayed transfers of care by region please see the Local Authority reports.
- For delayed transfers of care that occurred at specific provider organisations then please see the Trust reports.
- Delayed transfers of care at England level is identical in both reports.
From 2017-18 onward, the Delayed Transfers of Care publication files contain a new DTOC Beds measure in place of the patient snapshot measure. Please refer to the message on the main Delayed Transfers of Care page for further details. April 2017’s CSV file has been updated to include this measure, which will be included as standard from May 2017’s publication onward.
March 2018
Total Delayed Days Local Authority 2017-18 March (Revised 13.12.18) (XLS, 139KB)
Total Delayed Days Trust 2017-18 March (Revised 13.12.18) (XLS, 219KB)
CSV Format Monthly Delayed Transfers of Care 2017-18 March (Revised 13.12.18) (CSV, 3MB)
February 2018
Total Delayed Days Local Authority 2017-18 February (Revised 13.12.18) (XLS, 139KB)
Total Delayed Days Trust 2017-18 February (Revised 13.12.18) (XLS, 225KB)
CSV Format Monthly Delayed Transfers of Care 2017-18 February (Revised 13.12.18) (CSV, 3MB)
January 2018
Total Delayed Days Local Authority 2017-18 January (Revised 13.12.18) (XLS, 141KB)
Total Delayed Days Trust 2017-18 January (Revised 13.12.18) (XLS, 226KB)
CSV Format Monthly Delayed Transfers of Care 2017-18 January (Revised 13.12.18) (CSV, 3MB)
December 2017
Total Delayed Days Local Authority 2017-18 December (Revised 10.05.18) (XLS, 124KB)
Total Delayed Days Trust 2017-18 December (Revised 10.05.18) (XLS, 209KB)
CSV Format Monthly Delayed Transfers of Care 2017-18 December (Revised 10.05.18) (CSV, 4MB)
November 2017
Total Delayed Days Local Authority 2017-18 November (Revised 10.05.18) (XLS, 123KB)
Total Delayed Days Trust 2017-18 November (Revised 10.05.18) (XLS, 206KB)
CSV Format Monthly Delayed Transfers of Care 2017-18 November (Revised 10.05.18) (CSV, 4MB)
October 2017
Total Delayed Days Local Authority 2017-18 October (Revised 10.05.18) (XLS, 124KB)
Total Delayed Days Trust 2017-18 October (Revised 10.05.18) (XLS, 208KB)
CSV Format Monthly Delayed Transfers of Care 2017-18 October (Revised 10.05.18) (CSV, 4MB)
September 2017
Total Delayed Days Local Authority 2017-18 September (Revised 14.06.18) (XLS, 123KB)
Total Delayed Days Trust 2017-18 September (Revised 14.06.18) (XLS, 207KB)
CSV Format Monthly Delayed Transfers of Care 2017-18 September (Revised 14.06.18) (CSV, 4MB)
August 2017
Total Delayed Days Local Authority 2017-18 August (Revised 14.06.18) (XLS, 139KB)
Total Delayed Days Trust 2017-18 August (Revised 14.06.18) (XLS, 217KB)
CSV Format Monthly Delayed Transfers of Care 2017-18 August (Revised 14.06.18) (CSV, 4MB)
July 2017
Total Delayed Days Local Authority 2017-18 July (Revised 14.06.18) (XLS, 124KB)
Total Delayed Days Trust 2017-18 July (Revised 14.06.18) (XLS, 217KB)
CSV Format Monthly Delayed Transfers of Care 2017-18 July (Revised 14.06.18) (CSV, 4MB)
June 2017
Total Delayed Days Local Authority 2017-18 June (Revised 14.06.2018) (XLS, 123KB)
Total Delayed Days Trust 2017-18 June (Revised 14.06.2018) (XLS, 214KB)
CSV Format Monthly Delayed Transfers of Care 2017-18 June (Revised 14.06.2018) (CSV, 4MB)
May 2017
Total Delayed Days Local Authority 2017-18 May (Revised 14.06.2018) (XLS, 124KB)
Total Delayed Days Trust 2017-18 May (Revised 14.06.2018) (XLS, 216KB)
CSV Format Monthly Delayed Transfers of Care 2017-18 May (Revised 14.06.2018) (CSV, 4MB)
April 2017
Total Delayed Days Local Authority 2017-18 April (Revised 14.06.2018) (XLS, 122KB)
Total Delayed Days Trust 2017-18 April (Revised 14.06.2018) (XLS, 214KB)
CSV Format Monthly Delayed Transfers of Care 2017-18 April (Revised 14.06.2018) (CSV, 4MB)