Ambulance Quality Indicators Data 2020-21
This site contains the monthly Ambulance Quality Indicators (AQI) Statistical Notes and spreadsheets. The AQI comprise the Systems Indicators (AmbSYS) and the Clinical Outcomes (AmbCO). Data are split by month and by each of the eleven Ambulance Services in England.
Background information for the statistics below is on the AQI landing page, including:
- links to pages like this one but for 2011-12 to 2019-20;
- text files and time series spreadsheets with all data back to April 2011;
- the specification guidance used by data providers;
- a Quality Statement, including user engagement and revisions policy;
- contact details for these statistics.
AQI Statistical Notes
15 April 2021 Statistical Note (pdf, 427KB)
11 March 2021 Statistical Note (pdf, 456KB)
11 February 2021 Statistical Note (pdf, 322KB)
14 January 2021 Statistical Note (pdf, 406KB)
10 December 2020 Statistical Note (pdf, 378KB) (corrected on 14 January 2021)
12 November 2020 Statistical Note (pdf, 320KB)
8 October 2020 Statistical Note (pdf, 353KB)
10 September 2020 Statistical Note (pdf, 442KB)
13 August 2020 Statistical Note (pdf, 317KB)
9 July 2020 Statistical Note (pdf, 293KB)
11 June 2020 Statistical Note (pdf, 298KB)
14 May 2020 Statistical Note (pdf, 256KB)
Systems Indicators spreadsheets
For revisions that we make after 2020, when we revise AmbSYS or AmbCO, we remove all affected monthly spreadsheets, and put all the revised data into the Time Series and csv on the AQI landing page
Clinical Outcomes spreadsheets
For revisions that we make after 2020, when we revise AmbSYS or AmbCO, we remove all affected monthly spreadsheets, and put all the revised data into the Time Series and csv on the AQI landing page
Pre-release Access List
This document lists people who have access to the statistics in the 24 hours before publication:
Pre-release Access List 15 April 2021 (pdf, 25KB)