A&E Attendances and Emergency Admissions 2015-16 (Monthly and Quarterly)


The Monthly A&E Attendances and Emergency Admissions collection collects the total number of attendances in the calendar month for all A&E types, including Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours of arrival.

Also included are the number of Emergency Admissions, and any waits of over four hours for admission following decision to admit.

Data are shown at provider organisation level, from NHS Trusts, NHS Foundation Trusts and Independent Sector Organisations.

Data on A&E attendances and emergency admissions have previously been published weekly from November 2010 to June 2015. The switch to a monthly rather than weekly collection is a response to recommendations from Sir Bruce Keogh’s review of waiting time standards. Further information on the review and next steps can be found under letters here.

The first monthly collection is for June 2015 and it overlaps with the last four weeks of the previous weekly collection. The future publication dates for the monthly statistics can be found on our 12 month calendar here.

Further information for this collection, including the guidance document, can be found here.

England Time Series

In addition to the monthly data we have provided quarterly and monthly time series for users that require data over longer periods. It should be noted however that both data sets are derived from the previous, weekly, data.

The quarterly time series consists of 13 week aggregates for the periods from 2011-12 to Quarter 1 of 2015-16. Quaters after Quater 1 of 2015-16 are based on aggregates of three calendar months.

The Monthly time series is an estimate generated by apportioning the weekly totals based on how many days of the week fell into a particular month. This was produced in order to provide comparisons to months in previous years and should only be considered as an estimate for periods prior to June 2015.

Actual data for the A&E activity prior to June 2015 can be found in the weekly time series here.


March 2016

A&E Data

Monthly A&E March 2016 (XLS, 117K) (Revised 11.08.2016)

2015-16 Quarter 4 : – 3 Months to March (XLS, 117K) (Revised 11.08.2016)

February 2016

A&E Data

Monthly A&E February 2016 (XLS, 117K) (Revised 11.08.2016)

January 2016

A&E Data

Monthly A&E January 2016 (XLS, 117K) (Revised 12.05.2016)

December 2015

A&E Data

Monthly A&E December 2016 (XLS, 117K) (Revised 12.05.2016)

2015-16 Quarter 3 : – 3 Months to December (XLS, 118K) (Revised 12.05.16)


November 2015

A&E Data

Monthly A&E November 2016 (XLS, 117K) (Revised 12.05.2016)


October 2015

A&E Data

Monthly A&E October 2016 (XLS, 117K) (Revised 12.05.2016)


September 2015

A&E Data

Monthly A&E September 2016 (XLS, 117K) (Revised 12.05.2016)

2015-16 Quarter 2 : – 3 Months to September (XLS, 118K) (Revised 12.05.16)


August 2015

A&E Data

Monthly A&E August 2015 (Revised 11.02.2016) (XLS, 118K)

July 2015

A&E Data

Monthly A&E July 2015 (Revised 11.02.2016) (XLS, 118K)


June 2015

The June monthly collection contains all data for the calendar month whereas the previously published weekly data only reports up to the 28th of June. Thus the June monthly data covers two more days than the weekly data.

A&E Data

Monthly A&E June 2015 (Revised 12.11.2015) (XLS, 52K)