Data Sets 2011-2021: NHS 111 Minimum Data Set 2011-2021 and IUC ADC Experimental Data Set 2019-2021
Integrated Urgent Care (IUC) describes a range of services including NHS 111 and Out of Hours services, which aim to ensure a seamless patient experience with minimum handoffs and access to a clinician where required.
- The NHS 111 Minimum Data Set (NHS 111 MDS) focuses on a relatively narrow subset of the IUC service in terms of data items (specifically call handling and dispositions after triage).
- The Integrated Urgent Care Aggregate Data Collection (IUC ADC) provides greater detail of IUC service demand, performance and activity.
The NHS 111 Minimum Data Set (MDS) was the official source of IUC data until the end of March 2021. The IUC ADC was published as Experimental Statistics from June 2019 (April 2019 data) until May 2021 (March 2021 data) and was used to monitor the IUC ADC KPIs. There were differences in the definitions of data items in the MDS and IUC ADC so not all data items were directly comparable. Users are advised to refer to the specification guidance for each collection (available below) when interpreting figures.
From April 2021
Following a review in 2019-2020, the NHS 111 MDS was merged into a revised version of the IUC ADC from April 2021. Thereafter, a provisional subset of the IUC ADC data is published in the month after the collection end date (eg, April data will be published in May), with the complete monthly IUC ADC published as Official Statistics the following month (eg, April data published in June). The IUC ADC includes some new data items and some definitions have been revised to provide greater clarity so not all data items are directly comparable with the same data items collected before April 2021. The IUC ADC is used to monitor a revised set of IUC ADC KPIs.
For all information relating to these changes, please access it via the following link:
NHS 111 Minimum Data Set (MDS)
Official statistics from the NHS 111 MDS collection including Statistical Notes, spreadsheets and text files. The data set was collected weekly and aggregated to provide monthly figures; it was published monthly as Official Statistics from February 2012 to March 2021 within 2 weeks after the end of the month to which data referred (see publication timetable below):
NHS 111 Minimum Data Set 2020-21
NHS 111 Minimum Data Set 2019-20
NHS 111 Minimum Data Set 2018-19
NHS 111 Minimum Data Set 2017-18
NHS 111 Minimum Data Set 2016-17
NHS 111 Minimum Data Set 2015-16
Statistical Notes, spreadsheets and text files from February 2012 to March 2015:
NHS 111 Minimum Data Set Post List
Data from April 2011 to January 2012 (archive):
NHS 111 minimum data set published up to January 2012
Specification guidance
Weekly NHS 111 collection specification (PDF, 129KB)
Lookup from NHS Pathways Dx codes to dispositions and urgent categorisation:
Dx code v25 mapping to 111 data items (XLSX, 21KB) (Updated 25 October 2020)
NHS 111 Patient Experience Survey
Every six months (in October and April) a Patient Experience Survey is undertaken and this is published with the NHS111 statistics.
Statistical Note
NHS 111 Patient Survey October 2020 to March 2021 Statistical Note (PDF, 99KB)
Excel Data
NHS 111 Patient Survey Time Series to 31-03-2021 (XLSX, 287KB)
CSV Data
NHS 111 Patient Survey Raw Data Sep 2015 to Mar 2021 (CSV, 77KB)
The survey specification is available here:
IUC NHS 111 Patient Experience Survey Specification (PDF, 325KB)
Integrated Urgent Care Aggregate Data Collection (IUC ADC)
Experimental Data
Experimental statistics providing a detailed breakdown of IUC service demand, performance and activity. Statistical Notes, spreadsheets and text files. The IUC ADC was published within 6 weeks after the end of the month to which data refer (see publication timetable below):
IUC Aggregate Data Collection 2020-21
IUC Aggregate Data Collection 2019-20
Specification guidance
The following guidance documents were specific to the IUC ADC collection that ended in March 2021.
IUC ADC Specification v1.6 (PDF, 261KB)
IUC ADC Glossary v1.4 (XLS, 16KB)
NHS England IUC Key Performance Indicators (PDF, 637KB)
NHS 111 Call Plan v1.0 (PPTX, 1,619KB)
IUC ADC Dx Code Mapping v28 (XLS, 26KB)
IUC ADC Change Log v1.5 (XLS, 23KB)
KPI Change Log for IUC ADC Specification v1.2 (XLS, 14KB)
IUC KPI FAQs v1.9 (XLS, 22KB)
NHS England letter to Commissioners Providers re KPI Adherence 2019 (PDF, 181KB)
NHS England letter to Commissioners re IUC KPIs Approved (PDF, 209KB)
IUC DoS Service Type Mapping v8 (XLSX, 30KB)
NHS 111 MDS and IUC ADC publication documents:
This document lists people who have access to the statistics in the 24 hours before publication:
NHS 111 MDS Pre-release Access List 10 June 2021 (PDF, 58KB)
NHS 111 MDS & IUC ADC Publication Timetable 2020-21 (PDF, 15KB)
Contact Details
For further information about the published statistics, please contact us at:
111 Operational Insights Team
NHS England
7 & 8 Wellington Place,
Leeds LS1 4AP
For press enquiries, please contact the NHS England press office on 0113 825 0958 or